PHP error: Division by zero (4 solutions)

Updated: January 10, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When writing PHP code, you might encounter the ‘Division by zero’ error. It is a run-time warning that happens when a script attempts to divide a number by zero. The error can lead to unintended behavior or script termination. Understanding the reasons behind this error and applying effective solutions is important for robust applications.

Reasons for Division by Zero Error

The ‘Division by zero’ error occurs if:

  • A variable or value that’s part of a division operation is zero.
  • An arithmetic expression results in a zero denominator unintentionally.
  • Lack of validation for user input that is used in a division operation.

Solutions to fix ‘Division by zero’ error

Validation Before Division

Ensure the denominator is not zero before performing division.

  1. Check if the denominator is zero.
  2. Perform the division only if the denominator is not zero.
  3. Optionally, handle the zero denominator case explicitly, such as returning a specific value or throwing an exception.


$dividend = 10;
$divisor = 0;

if ($divisor == 0) {
    echo 'Error: Division by zero';
} else {
    echo $dividend / $divisor;

Performance Discussion: Adding a conditional check slightly increases the computational overhead, but it prevents a potentially larger issue of a run-time warning.

Notes: This solution gracefully handles the division by zero error but does increase the number of code lines. Using conditional checks is a proactive method to avoid division by zero.

Ternary Operator Check

Use the ternary operator for inline validation.

  1. Implement a ternary operation that checks if the divisor is zero.
  2. Perform the division if the check passes, or return an alternative value.


$dividend = 10;
$divisor = 0;

$result = $divisor == 0 ? 'Error: Division by zero' : $dividend / $divisor;
echo $result;

Notes: The ternary operator provides a shorthand solution that is clean and efficient, especially when a quick check is necessary and you need to keep the code concise.

Custom Error Handler

Set a custom error handler function to manage ‘Division by zero’ errors elegantly throughout your application.

  1. Create a custom error handler function.
  2. Set the custom error handler function using set_error_handler().
  3. Within the handler, manage the error based on its level and message.
  4. Restore the original error handler if needed.


function myErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
    if ($errno == E_WARNING && strpos($errstr, 'Division by zero') !== false) {
        // handle division by zero error
        echo 'Error: Division by zero';
        return true; // Indicates that we have handled the error
    // For other errors, continue with the PHP internal error handler
    return false;

$dividend = 10;
$divisor = 0;
$result = $dividend / $divisor;
echo $result;

Notes: This solution provides a centralized way to handle ‘Division by zero’ and potentially other types of error in a consistent manner. Perfect for larger applications where such errors need special attention.

Using @ Suppress Error Operator

Suppressing errors using the ‘@’ operator should be used sparingly, as it can hide other unrelated errors.

  1. Prefix the division operation with the ‘@’ operator to suppress any errors that may arise.
  2. Check the result of the division operation to determine the next steps.


$dividend = 10;
$divisor = 0;

$result = @$dividend / $divisor;

if ($result === FALSE) {
    echo 'Error: Division by zero';
} else {
    echo $result;

Notes: The @ operator suppresses the error generated by PHP, but the script execution continues. It should be avoided in most cases since it makes debugging harder and can mask other errors, not just ‘Division by zero’.


In summary, the ‘Division by zero’ error in PHP can be effectively managed by proactively checking for zero divisors, handling it lightly with a ternary operator, setting a custom error handler, or even suppressing it – each method fitting different scenarios and coding styles. Thoroughly understanding each approach allows a PHP developer to choose the correct course of action based on the application’s requirements.