PHP: Extract Decimal and Integer Parts from a Float (3 Ways)

Updated: January 10, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Working with floating-point numbers is a common task in programming. At times you need to separate the integer part from the decimal part for calculations, formatting, or other specific reasons. PHP, a server-side scripting language, provides a range of functions to manipulate these numbers with ease. In this tutorial, we will explore different methods to extract the integer and decimal parts from a float in PHP.

Understanding Floats in PHP

Before delving into the methods of extraction, it is important to understand how PHP handles floating-point numbers. A float in PHP is a number that includes a decimal point. It is used to represent both very large and very small numbers with fractional components. However, due to the way computers handle floating-point arithmetic, it is important to remember that not all decimal fractions can be accurately represented.

Method 1: Using Floor and Fmod Functions

This method involves using the floor() function to extract the integer part and the fmod() function to extract the decimal part of the number:

 $number = 1234.5678;
 $integerPart = floor($number);
 $decimalPart = fmod($number, 1);

The floor() function rounds the number down to the nearest integer, and the fmod() function computes the floating-point remainder of the division of the number by 1, effectively fetching the decimal part.

Method 2: Casting to Integer

Another way to get the integer part is by simply casting the float to an integer like this:

 $number = 1234.5678;
 $integerPart = (int)$number;
 $decimalPart = $number - $integerPart;

This method subtracts the integer part from the original float to obtain the decimal part.

Method 3: Using explode with the String Conversion

Converting the float to a string and using the explode() function allows us to split the number at the decimal point into an array where the first element is the integer part and the second is the decimal part:

 $number = 1234.5678;
 $parts = explode('.', (string)$number);
 $integerPart = $parts[0];
 $decimalPart = '0.' . $parts[1];

In this case, the decimal part is explicitly prefixed by ‘0.’ to maintain its nature as a decimal fraction when it’s used later in calculations or output.

Considerations When Working with Floats

  • Accuracy: As previously mentioned, floating-point numbers may not always represent decimal fractions with complete accuracy due to the limitations of their binary representation.
  • Type Juggling: PHP is a dynamically typed language, meaning that it can juggle types automatically. Be mindful when performing operations that implicitly change types, especially with floats.
  • Locale Settings: Be aware that the way decimals are represented (comma or period) can vary based on the server’s locale settings.

Advanced: BCMath or GMP for Arbitrary Precision

For applications that require precision with very large or very small numbers, you may want to consider using PHP’s BCMath or GMP extensions. These extensions allow for arbitrary-precision arithmetic and could be used to better handle the decimals:

 $number = '1234.5678';
 bcscale(4); // Set desired scale for BCMath functions
 $integerPart = bcdiv($number, '1', 0);
 $decimalPart = bcsub($number, $integerPart, 4);

The above ensures that the operations are performed with the precision set by the bcscale() function.


While PHP offers various ways to manipulate float numbers, each with its own use case and limitations, understanding your needs is crucial in choosing the right method. Remember always to consider the nature of floating-point representation in digital computers, the scale of the numbers you are dealing with, and the precision requirements of your application.

Recommended Next Steps

  • Experiment with different float numbers and the methods described to gain a better understanding of their behavior.
  • Read up on how PHP handles number precision and its limitations.
  • Check out the BCMath or GMP PHP documentation for more advanced number-handling functions.

With this knowledge, you should be well-prepared to handle the intricacies of floating-point arithmetic in PHP, ensuring your applications run smoothly and exactly as intended.