PHP: How to Extract Domain, Protocol, and Path from URL

Updated: January 10, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Understanding how to manipulate and extract components from URLs is an important skill in web development. In PHP, there are several functions that simplify this task, making it accessible to parse the domain, protocol, and path from any given URL. This tutorial will guide you through the steps of URL manipulation in PHP.

In PHP, the parse_url() function is a powerful tool for parsing components out of a URL. URLs are composed of various parts including the scheme (protocol), host (domain), and path. Being able to break down a URL into its components is useful for many tasks, such as validating and constructing URLs, building redirects, or extracting information for analytics and monitoring.

Using parse_url()

The parse_url() function returns an associative array that contains any of the various components of the URL that are present. The following example shows how to use this function to extract different parts of a URL:

$url = '';

$url_components = parse_url($url);

echo $url_components['scheme'];  // Outputs: https
echo $url_components['host'];    // Outputs:
echo $url_components['path'];    // Outputs: /myPage.php
echo $url_components['query'];   // Outputs: user=1

As you can see, the parse_url() function makes it simple to extract various components. The resultant array elements include ‘scheme’ for the protocol, ‘host’ for the domain, and ‘path’ for the path of the URL.

Parsing Further with PHP_URL Constants

You don’t always need to parse the full URL. Sometimes, you only need a specific part, like the domain or path. PHP URL constants can be passed to the parse_url() function to extract a specific component:

$url = '';

$domain = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST);
$path = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH);
$query = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY);

echo $domain; // Outputs:
echo $path;   // Outputs: /myPage.php
echo $query;  // Outputs: user=1

This approach is more efficient when you only require one part of the URL.

Handling Special Cases

What if the URL doesn’t specify a scheme? PHP’s parse_url() can handle that too by considering the URL relative. If there’s no protocol specified, the function treats the URL as if it has a relative path. However, this might lead to unexpected values for the ‘host’ if the ‘scheme’ is omitted. To avoid misinterpretation, URLs should be validated before parsing them.

Working with URLs That Have User Info

Some URLs contain user information, like usernames and passwords. You can extract these with parse_url() as well:

$url = 'https://user:[email protected]';

$url_components = parse_url($url);

echo $url_components['user'];    // Outputs: user
echo $url_components['pass'];    // Outputs: password

However, including authentication info directly in URLs is not recommended due to security reasons.


We have discussed how to use the parse_url() function in PHP to extract the domain, protocol, and path from a URL. By mastering this technique, you can adeptly navigate URL processing tasks within your PHP projects. With the information in this tutorial, begin experimenting with URL parsing in PHP and explore advanced use-cases that could aid in the development of your web applications.

Remember to always validate and sanitize URLs before processing to ensure security and data integrity within your applications.