PHP: Finding Files with Regex

Updated: January 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Regular Expressions (Regex) are a powerful tool for pattern matching across strings. In PHP, regex can be used to effectively manage file names and file searching, providing a precise manner to locate files with specific patterns within a directory. In this tutorial, we’ll go through the essential steps of using regex to find files in PHP, emphasizing practical implementation, and highlighting best practices.


  • Basic knowledge of PHP
  • Understanding of Regular Expressions
  • A PHP environment for running scripts (e.g., XAMPP, MAMP, or a LAMP stack)

Setting the Scene

Let’s consider a scenario where you have a directory full of files and you need to find all the files that match a certain pattern. For instance, you might need to list all ‘.log’ files that include a date format in the filename, such as ‘error_log_2023-03-15.log’.

Approaching the Task with glob()

The glob() function is a handy tool in PHP that allows you to search for files using patterns known as ‘glob patterns.’ However, glob() is limited to these patterns and cannot use full regex, so it’s more suitable for simple wildcards. For example, to get all ‘.log’ files you would use something like glob('*.log').

Enlisting preg_grep() for Regex File Search

When the file search requirement becomes more complex, and you need the full power of regex, preg_grep() comes into play. To use it for this purpose, perform the following steps:

  1. Retrieve the File List: Use a function like scandir() to generate an array of filenames from the desired directory.
  2. Filter With preg_grep(): Pass the array of filenames to preg_grep() alongside your regex pattern to filter out the matches.

Here is an example of how you could use this approach to find ‘.log’ files with a specified date format in their name:

$directoryPath = '/path/to/your/logs';
$allFiles = scandir($directoryPath);
$regexPattern = '/^error_log_\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\.log$/i';
$logFiles = preg_grep($regexPattern, $allFiles);
foreach ($logFiles as $file) {
    echo $file . "\n";

This script will echo the names of the matching log files. Notice that the regex pattern /^error_log_\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\.log$/i starts and ends with slashes, ^ and $ are anchors for the begin and the end of the string, \d{4} denotes four digits, signifying the year, and /i makes the pattern case-insensitive.

Handling Different Scenarios

The ability to find files by regex in PHP can be extended to multiple scenarios. Whether you’re looking to match a specific extension, a phrase, or a complex naming pattern, regex allows you to customize your search criteria dramatically.

Take for example a case where you want to find all files that start with ‘temp’ and have a ‘.txt’ extension. The regex pattern might look like /^temp.*\.txt$/i.

Robust Regex Tips for File Searching

  1. Simplify When Possible: For simple patterns, use glob() instead of regex as it’s more readable and efficient.
  2. Escape Special Characters: In regex patterns, remember to escape characters that have special meanings, like the dot (.).
  3. Test Your Patterns: Regex patterns can be tricky to get right. Use online tools like RegExr or regex101 to test your expressions.
  4. Use Comments: If your regex pattern is complex, use the x modifier to allow whitespace and comments within your pattern for better readability.
  5. Directory Traversal: If you need to search subdirectories, you’ll have to implement a recursive function or use iterators like RecursiveDirectoryIterator along with RecursiveIteratorIterator.
  6. Performance Considerations: Be aware that using regex to filter a large number of files can be resource-intensive. Optimize your patterns and limit directory searches when possible.
  7. Error Handling: Always check if directory scan operations are successful and handle errors accordingly to prevent script failures.

Advanced Usage with SPL Iterators

For a more robust approach, especially when dealing with large sets of files or recursive directory searching, PHP’s Standard PHP Library (SPL) provides iterators like RecursiveDirectoryIterator and RegexIterator.

This example demonstrates a recursive search for log files using SPL:

$directoryPath = '/path/to/your/logs';
$directory = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directoryPath);
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($directory);
$regex = new RegexIterator($iterator, '/.*\.log$/i', RecursiveRegexIterator::GET_MATCH);
foreach ($regex as $file => $matches) {
    echo $file . "\n";

Using RecursiveRegexIterator::GET_MATCH as the mode for RegexIterator retrieves only files that match the pattern.


Finding files using regex in PHP is a potent technique that can vastly simplify file management. By understanding how to craft and implement regex patterns, and using the appropriate functions or iterators, you can perform quite complex file search operations with precision and efficiency.

While the learning curve for regex can feel steep, the investment in mastering regex syntax repays itself many times over in the versatility it offers for tasks in file searching and beyond. Remember to test thoroughly, handle edge cases, and write maintainable code that clearly communicates your intent for reliable and efficient file system operations.