PHP: Get filename and file extension from a URL

Updated: January 10, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Working with URLs is a common task for web developers. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll learn how to use PHP to extract the filename and file extension from a URL. This is an essential skill for tasks such as file downloads, content manipulation, and dynamic content delivery.

Understanding URL Structure

Before we delve into the code, it’s important to understand the structure of a URL. A URL typically consists of a protocol, domain, path, and possibly a query string or fragment. The path usually contains the filename and file extension of the resource being requested. For instance, in the URL ‘’, ‘myfile.jpg’ is the filename with ‘jpg’ being the file extension.


  • Basic knowledge of PHP
  • A PHP development environment

Extracting the Filename

PHP offers several methods for extracting the filename from a URL. We will start with the parse_url() and basename() functions.

1. Using parse_url() and basename():

$url = ''; 
$parsed_url = parse_url($url); 
$path = $parsed_url['path']; 
$filename = basename($path); 
echo $filename; // Output: myfile.jpg  

2. Using pathinfo():

$url = ''; 
$path = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH); 
$info = pathinfo($path); 
echo $info['basename']; 
// Output: myfile.jpg 

Extracting the File Extension

Now let’s focus on extracting the file extension. The extension is the part of the filename that usually determines the file’s format or type. PHP provides simple ways to obtain the file extension from a URL:

1. Using pathinfo():

$url = ''; 
$path = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH); 
$info = pathinfo($path); echo $info['extension']; 
// Output: jpg 

2. Using explode() and end():

$url = ''; 
$path = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH); 
$parts = explode('.', $path); 
$extension = end($parts); 
echo $extension; 
// Output: jpg 

Handling Query Strings and Fragments

In some cases, URLs contain query strings (after a ‘?’) or fragments (after a ‘#’), which you may want to exclude when extracting the filename or extension. Using parse_url() does the work for you as it only returns the path component.

Handling Edge Cases

URLs don’t always follow a predictable pattern and may lack a proper extension or include unexpected characters. It’s important to build in checks to handle such edge cases, ensuring your code is robust and error-resistant.


Extracting filenames and file extensions from URLs is a handy skill. By following this tutorial, you should now be equipped with versatile PHP functions such as parse_url(), basename(), and pathinfo() to effectively manipulate URL strings for your project needs.

To continue improving your PHP capabilities, consider diving deeper into string manipulation functions and regular expressions, which provide an even greater control over the data extracted from URLs.