PHP: How to Access Files in the Parent/Child Directory

Updated: January 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Navigating the filesystem is a fundamental aspect of programming and web development. This tutorial will explore how to access files within the parent and child directories using PHP, a server-side scripting language that is widely used for web development. Understanding how to manipulate file paths is essential when developing web applications that require interaction with the filesystem.

Understanding File Paths

In PHP, every file is part of a directory tree, rooted at the top of the filesystem. Files can be accessed using relative or absolute paths. A relative path is a path that relates to the current directory. In contrast, an absolute path defines a file’s location from the root of the filesystem.

When dealing with file paths, two important notations are used:

  • Dot (.) – Represents the current directory.
  • Dot-dot (..) – Represents the parent directory.

Accessing the Parent Directory

To access a file in the parent directory, use the ‘..’ notation. For example, if you’re working on a script in ‘/var/www/html/child’, and you want to access a file located in ‘/var/www/html’, you would use the following code snippet:

$parentFile = '../somefile.php';
include $parentFile;

This points to ‘somefile.php’ that is one directory up from the current working directory. Note that the ‘include’ statement is used to include the file in the script execution. This can be a powerful tool but also introduces the risk of path traversal vulnerabilities if not used carefully.

Accessing Child Directories

Accessing files in child directories is straightforward. Simply use the directory’s name followed by the slash (‘/’) character and the file’s name. For example, if you have a child directory named ‘child’ and you wish to access ‘fileinchild.php’, you would do the following:

$childFile = 'child/fileinchild.php';
require_once $childFile;

Here, ‘require_once’ is similar to ‘include’ but ensures that the file is included only once during the execution of the script.

Using Directory Iterators

PHP provides several built-in classes that facilitate file and directory handling. The DirectoryIterator class allows you to easily traverse directories and read files within them. Here is an example of iterating through a directory and echoing each file name:

$dir = new DirectoryIterator(dirname(__FILE__));
foreach ($dir as $fileinfo) {
    if (!$fileinfo->isDot()) {
        echo $fileinfo->getFilename() . "\n";

In the snippet above, ‘dirname(__FILE__)’ gives the directory of the current script, and the DirectoryIterator is used to loop through each file in that directory, skipping the ‘.’ and ‘..’ entries.

Handling Paths Safely

It’s crucial to handle file paths securely to prevent vulnerabilities in your code. Always sanitize user input if it’s used as part of a file path. Use functions like ‘realpath()’ or ‘basename()’ to ensure that file paths do not escape the intended directory structure:

$userFile = $_GET['file'];
$safePath = realpath($baseDir . basename($userFile));
if (strpos($safePath, $baseDir) === 0) {
} else {
    echo 'Access denied!';

This code snippet ensures that the user-provided file path is within the base directory and does not lead to other directories due to directory traversal attempts.

Best Practices

Here are some best practices to ensure safe and efficient file path manipulation:

  • Use PHP’s built-in functions to handle file paths securely.
  • Avoid using user input directly in file paths without proper validation and sanitization.
  • Use relative paths when including files to make your code more portable.
  • Understand the difference between ‘include’, ‘require’, ‘include_once’, and ‘require_once’ to use them effectively.
  • Perform error handling when files cannot be read or found to prevent script failures and potential security issues.


Knowing how to access and include files from different directories is a fundamental skill in PHP. By following the techniques and best practices outlined in this guide, developers can safely navigate file paths in PHP, which forms the backbone for many dynamic web applications.