PHP: How to add new properties to an object

Updated: January 10, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In PHP, objects are instances of classes. Classes serve as templates that define properties (characteristics) and methods (functions) that their objects can have. However, PHP is a dynamic language which allows us to add properties to an object at runtime. This feature provides flexibility, but it is important to use it wisely within your coding standards.

This tutorial will teach you several ways to add properties to PHP objects. These methods range from directly setting a property on an instance of a stdClass to leveraging the magic __set method within a class definition. The relative advantages and suitability of each approach will also be discussed. It is assumed the reader has a basic understanding of PHP and object-oriented programming concepts.

Adding Properties to stdClass Objects

The stdClass is the default PHP class. It’s a blank slate that allows you to create an object and add properties on the fly. For example:

$object = new stdClass();
$object->newProperty = 'This is a new property';

echo $object->newProperty; // Outputs: This is a new property

This method is quick and straightforward, but it lacks the structure and predefined schema that proper class definitions offer.

Defining Classes with Properties

If you prefer more structure, you’ll define a class with known properties:

class MyObject {
  public $existingProperty = 'Default value';

$object = new MyObject();
$object->newProperty = 'This is a dynamically added property';

echo $object->existingProperty; // Outputs: Default value

// Dynamically add a new property
echo $object->newProperty; // Outputs: This is a dynamically added property

While this is permissible, it is not considered good practice since the properties should be defined within the class to maintain the integrity of the object’s structure.

Using the Magic Method __set

To control the addition of new properties, use the magic method __set. This method is called automatically when an undefined or inaccessible property is written to an object.

class MyObject {
  private $data = [];

  public function __set($name, $value) {
    $this->data[$name] = $value;

$object = new MyObject();
$object->newDynamicProperty = 'This is a dynamic value';

echo $object->newDynamicProperty; // Undefined property error

// However, you can access it like this:
echo $object->data['newDynamicProperty']; // Outputs: This is a dynamic value

This approach offers a combination of dynamic property addition and better control over the object’s data structure.

Advanced Techniques: Property Overloading with Traits

Traits in PHP allow for code reuse and can provide a way to overload properties:

trait PropertyOverload {
  private $properties = [];

  public function __set($name, $value) {
    $this->properties[$name] = $value;

  public function __get($name) {
    return $this->properties[$name];

class MyObject {
  use PropertyOverload;

$object = new MyObject();
$object->overloadedProperty = 'Using trait to overload';

echo $object->overloadedProperty; // Outputs: Using trait to overload

Here, the trait encapsulates the logic needed for property overloading, offering a more modular approach to extend the functionality of any class.


Through this guide, we’ve explored multiple approaches to add new properties to PHP objects. By understanding and applying these techniques judiciously, you can write more dynamic code while still adhering to good object-oriented design principles. Always opt for clearly defined properties within class definitions when possible, reserving dynamic properties for cases where they truly offer a benefit.