PHP: How to Change Encoding of a File

Updated: January 11, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Understanding Character Encoding

There are many circumstances where a developer might need to change the encoding of a file programmatically. This action can ensure that a text file is read correctly by different processes or systems that require specific character encodings. This tutorial will guide you on how to use PHP to change the encoding of a file.

Before we begin, it’s important to understand what character encoding is. Character encoding is a method of converting bytes into characters. This is how text is represented in computers as a series of bytes. ASCII was one of the first encoding schemes, which represented English characters. Nowadays, UTF-8 is commonly used as it can represent any character in the Unicode standard, making it compatible with a wide array of languages and symbols.

Checking File Encoding

To change the file’s encoding, we first need to know the current encoding of the file. PHP does not have a built-in function to detect encoding reliably, but you can use the mb_detect_encoding() function from the mbstring extension or the third-party library ‘uchardet’](

// Using mb_detect_encoding
$contents = file_get_contents('example.txt');
$currentEncoding = mb_detect_encoding($contents, mb_detect_order(), true);
echo 'Current Encoding: ' . $currentEncoding;

Note: The mb_detect_order() function returns an array of the encodings that PHP will check against, and the third parameter set to true tells PHP we want to return an exact encoding match, if possible.

Changing the Encoding

Once you’ve determined the current encoding, you can convert the file to a different encoding using the mb_convert_encoding() function.

// Convert to UTF-8
$newContents = mb_convert_encoding($contents, 'UTF-8', $currentEncoding);
// Write back to the file
file_put_contents('example_utf8.txt', $newContents);

This will read the initial content using the current detected encoding and write it back as UTF-8 encoded text to a new file or replace the existing one if desired.

Handling Errors and Exceptions

Working with files means you need to be cautious and prepare for potential errors. It’s vital to check if file operations succeed and handle exceptions or errors gracefully.

try {
    // ... File operations ...
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Caught exception: ',  $e->getMessage(), "\n";

Similarly, when using file_get_contents() or file_put_contents(), you should check the result to see if the operation was successful.

$contents = @file_get_contents('example.txt');
if ($contents === false) {
    echo 'Failed to get file contents.';
// After conversion
if (@file_put_contents('example_utf8.txt', $newContents) === false) {
    echo 'Failed to write file contents.';

A Real-world Scenario

Consider an application with a feature allowing users to upload CSV files. The CSV files might come in different encodings, which could be problematic because your PHP application expects them in UTF-8 to properly store and display text. In such a scenario, you would have to detect the encoding of the uploaded file and convert it if necessary:

$file = $_FILES['uploadedFile']['tmp_name'];

$currentEncoding = mb_detect_encoding(file_get_contents($file), mb_detect_order(), true);

$newContents = mb_convert_encoding($contents, 'UTF-8', $currentEncoding);
file_put_contents('newfile.txt', $newContents);


In conclusion, changing the file encoding in PHP is not without its challenges due to tricky detection mechanisms. However, with the right function and careful error handling, it’s completely achievable. Always validate the encoding of any file before you assume its format, and ensure you handle all file operations with the necessary checks to prevent any runtime errors.

Now you know how to change the file encoding in PHP, and you can use this knowledge to make your web applications more robust and versatile in handling different text formats.