PHP: How to check if a file is in use

Updated: January 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Working with files in PHP can often lead to scenarios where you need to check if a file is currently in use. Knowing whether a file is in use is crucial in many applications to avoid conflicts or potential data corruption. In this tutorial, we will explore various approaches to determining if a file is in use in a PHP environment.

Understanding File Locks

In Unix-like operating systems, a file lock is a mechanism that restricts access to a file among multiple processes. In PHP, we can manipulate file locks using the flock() function. This function allows us to lock a file in an exclusive or shared mode.

Exclusive locks prevent other processes from acquiring a lock on the file while it’s held. Shared locks allow multiple processes to read from the file simultaneously but prevent exclusive write access.

Using flock() for File Locking

The flock() function is one of the most straightforward methods to check if a file is in use. By attempting to place an exclusive lock on a file and using the LOCK_NB (non-blocking) option, an immediate return will indicate whether the operation was successful.

Here’s an example code snippet:

$file = 'sample.txt';
$fp = fopen($file, 'r+');

if (flock($fp, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) {
    echo 'File is not in use.\n';
    // Perform file operations here
    flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
} else {
    echo 'File is currently in use.\n';


If the flock() call returns true, the file is not in use, and you have successfully acquired an exclusive lock. If it returns false, the file is in use by another process.

Caveats When Using flock()

It’s important to note that file locking with flock() is not mandatory, meaning that other processes can ignore these locks. File locks in PHP are advisory, and you should use them in scenarios where all accessing processes adhere to the same file locking logic.

Using lsof for Advanced File Use Checks

On Unix systems, you can use external tools such as ‘lsof’ (which stands for ‘list open files’) to check if a file is in use. This command line utility provides detailed information about files opened by processes. You can invoke lsof from PHP using shell_exec()


$file = 'sample.txt';
$output = shell_exec('lsof | grep '.escapeshellarg($file));

if ($output) {
    echo 'File is in use.\n';
} else {
    echo 'File is not in use.\n';

However, using lsof can be slow and should be avoided in performance-critical applications. It also poses a security risk if improperly sanitized user input is passed to the shell_exec() function.

File Last-Modified Time Check

Another approach to infer if a file might be in use is to check its last modified time using the filemtime() function. If the timestamp is very recent, you can make assumptions based on the nature of your application.


$file = 'sample.txt';
$lastModified = filemtime($file);

if (time() - $lastModified < 5) { // Threshold of 5 seconds
    echo 'File might be in use.\n';
} else {
    echo 'File is probably not in use.\n';

However, this method does not give a definite answer and should be used judiciously.

Error Suppression @ Operator

In scripting or automation, trying to perform an operation on a file can result in an error if it’s in use. PHP’s error control operator @ can suppress error messages and may be used in conjunction with file operations to check file accessibility.


$file = 'sample.txt';
$fp = @fopen($file, 'r+');

if ($fp) {
    echo 'File is accessible.\n';
} else {
    echo 'File is not accessible or in use.\n';

However, this method is not recommended as good practice because it suppresses error messages that could be vital for debugging.


In this tutorial, we discussed different methods for checking if a file is in use in PHP. We touched upon file locks with flock(), using external utilities like lsof, checking file modification time, and error suppression strategies. While flock() provides a programmatically secure way to lock files, it’s crucial to remember that this mechanism is advisory, and consistent locking logic must be maintained across all scripts accessing the file.

Combining these techniques appropriately, you can build a robust system for handling file operations and avoiding conflicts. Remember to use each method as fits the needs of your application, and always be mindful of security pitfalls, especially when invoking external utilities.