PHP: How to compare two dates

Updated: January 10, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In web development, comparing dates is a frequent task that you might need to handle for applications such as booking systems, calendars, or any feature that relies on date and time calculations. PHP, being a server-side scripting language, is equipped with functions that allow you to compare dates efficiently. In this tutorial, we’ll dive into how PHP can be used to compare two dates, looking at several examples and use-cases in detail.


Before we start comparing dates with PHP, ensure that you have:

  • A working PHP environment (version 5.3 or newer, as we will use the DateTime class).
  • A text editor to write your code (e.g., VSCode, Sublime Text, etc.).
  • A server environment (like XAMPP, MAMP, or a live server) to run your PHP scripts.

Understanding PHP DateTime Class

The DateTime class in PHP is the foundation for date and time operations. Introduced in PHP 5.2.0, the DateTime class provides methods to handle date and time operations more reliably than traditional time functions like strtotime() or date().

To start comparing two dates, we first need to create two DateTime objects representing the dates you wish to compare. Here’s how you can do it:

$date1 = new DateTime("2023-04-15");
$date2 = new DateTime("2023-05-20");

Basic Date Comparison

With DateTime objects, you can compare dates using comparison operators such as <, >, ==, and so on. This allows you to determine if one date is earlier, later, or equal to another date.

if ($date1 > $date2) {
    echo "Date1 is later than Date2";
} elseif ($date1 < $date2) {
    echo "Date1 is earlier than Date2";
} else {
    echo "Date1 is equal to Date2";

Using DateTime::diff Method

The diff() method is a powerful tool for comparing DateTime objects as it returns a DateInterval object with the difference. Here is an example:

$interval = $date1->diff($date2);
echo $interval->format('%R%a days');

This will output a string representing the difference in days, preceded by a sign denoting whether it is in the past (negative) or future (positive).

Working with Time Zones

It is also pivotal to account for time zones when comparing dates, as two dates might represent the same moment in time but appear different due to time zone differences. To make sure you’re comparing dates in the correct time zones, you need to set the time zone for DateTime objects:

$timezone = new DateTimeZone('America/New_York');
$date1 = new DateTime("2023-04-15", $timezone);
$date2 = new DateTime("2023-05-20", $timezone);

Comparing Timestamps

Sometimes, you may want to compare dates using Unix timestamps. You can do this by converting DateTime objects to timestamps using the getTimestamp() method:

$timestamp1 = $date1->getTimestamp();
$timestamp2 = $date2->getTimestamp();

if ($timestamp1 > $timestamp2) {
    echo "Date1 is later than Date2";
} else if ($timestamp1 < $timestamp2) {
    echo "Date1 is earlier than Date2";
} else {
    echo "Date1 is equal to Date2";

Checking for Date Ranges

Often, you’ll need to determine if a specific date falls between two dates. You can accomplish this by comparing dates sequentially:

$startDate = new DateTime("2023-04-01");
$endDate = new DateTime("2023-04-30");
$currentDate = new DateTime("today");

if ($currentDate >= $startDate && $currentDate <= $endDate) {
    echo "Current date is within the range.";
} else {
    echo "Current date is not within the range.";

Sorting Arrays of Dates

If you are dealing with an array of dates and want to sort them, you can use the usort() function along with a custom comparison function that utilizes DateTime objects:

$dates = [
    new DateTime("2023-04-15"),
    new DateTime("2023-04-01"),
    new DateTime("2023-04-12")

usort($dates, function ($a, $b) {
    if ($a == $b) {
        return 0;
    return ($a < $b) ? -1 : 1;

This snippet will sort an array of DateTime objects in ascending order.

Converting Formats for Comparison

Sometimes dates are not in the ideal format for comparison. You can convert various date formats into DateTime objects before comparing:

$dateFromString = DateTime::createFromFormat('m-d-Y', '12-25-2023');
$anotherDate = new DateTime('2023-12-25');

if ($dateFromString == $anotherDate) {
    echo "The dates are equal";
} else {
    echo "The dates are not equal";

Handling Date Comparison Gotchas

When working with dates, you can encounter some subtle issues. Here are some common ‘gotchas’ that you should be aware of:

  • Time Component: DateTime objects include time. If only the date part is relevant, make sure to reset the time portion to zero or compare only the date components.
  • Invalid Dates: Feeding invalid dates into a DateTime constructor can be problematic. Always validate dates when they come from user input.
  • Leap Years and Daylight Savings Time: When working with differences that span over a period that includes February 29th or DST changes, special attention should be given.


Comparing two dates in PHP is straightforward with the DateTime class. By using operators, the diff method, taking care of time zones, timestamps, and understanding some common pitfalls, you can effectively manage and compare dates in your application. Always test date manipulations across various scenarios to ensure reliability in your application’s operations.

From validating a user’s age to scheduling events, date comparisons are integral to dynamic web application development. Date and time calculations can be complex, but with these tools and techniques, PHP developers can confidently tackle such challenges.