PHP: How to create a temporary file/directory

Updated: January 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In the world of programming, the need to create temporary files or directories is quite common. These files can serve a variety of purposes, such as being a holding spot for data being processed, or as a cache to enhance performance. PHP, being one of the widely used server-side scripting languages, has built-in functions that make creating and managing temporary files and directories remarkably easy.

In this guide, we will dive into the ins and outs of managing temporary files and directories in PHP. We’ll discuss various PHP functions that facilitate these operations and illustrate their usage through practical examples.

Understanding Temporary Files and Directories

A temporary file or directory is usually created to store information for a short period, and it is expected to be removed after its purpose is accomplished. In PHP, these temporary files reside in the system’s default temp directory, whose path can be gotten using the sys_get_temp_dir() function.

Temporary files are particularly useful in situations where:

  • Large amounts of data need to be processed but should not persist for long.
  • Data needs to be securely transferred between functions or scripts without exposure to other processes.
  • Application performance can be boosted by caching.

Creating a Temporary File

To create a temporary file in PHP, tmpfile() function is typically used. It creates a file with a unique name in the system’s temp folder, registers it to be deleted at the end of the current script, and returns a file handle.

$file = tmpfile();
fwrite($file, 'Hello, I am a temporary file!');
fseek($file, 0);
echo fread($file, 1024);

The example above creates a temporary file, writes a string to it, resets the file pointer, reads out the contents of the file, and then closes the file, which will also delete it.

Creating a Temporary File with a Specific Name

Sometimes, you might require to create a temporary file with a known name, or want to control the file name for other reasons. The tempnam() function creates a file with a unique basename but with a predictable directory and prefix.

$dir = sys_get_temp_dir();
$file = tempnam($dir, 'pref-');
file_put_contents($file, 'Temporary file with a defined name');
echo file_get_contents($file);
unlink($file); // Delete the file when you're done with it

The unlink() function is used to delete the temporary file when it is not needed anymore, which is important when the file handle is not acquired by the tmpfile() function and does not get deleted automatically.

Managing File Permissions

It’s important to manage the permissions of the temporary files for security reasons. The returned handle from tmpfile() or the filename from tempnam() should have restrictive permissions, allowing only the creating user and processes access to it.

Creating a Temporary Directory

PHP does not have a built-in function equivalent to tmpfile() for directories. However, you can use the combination of the tempnam(), unlink(), and mkdir() functions to create a temporary directory:

$tempFile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), '');
// Use the created directory
rmdir($tempFile); // Make sure to remove the directory once done

This pattern first creates a temporary file to secure a unique name in the temp directory, removes that file, and immediately creates a directory with that unique name. Don’t forget to remove the directory using rmdir() once you are done using it, as PHP will not automatically clean this up for you.

Cleanup and Security Concerns

Developers must handle temporary files and directories responsibly to avoid security vulnerabilities, such as inadvertent sharing of sensitive data and potential conflicts between simultaneous accesses:

  • Always generate a unique name for your temporary files and directories to avoid name collisions.
  • Clean up temporary files and directories instantly after their use.
  • Restrict the permissions of temporary files and directories to only necessary users and processes.
  • Consider changing the default system temporary folder to a custom directory with more strict permissions if the application handles sensitive data.


Creating temporary files and directories is a common task and PHP offers several functions to make this as straightforward as possible. By using functions such as tmpfile(), tempnam(), and related file system functions, one can effectively manage temporary data. Though PHP simplifies temporary file management, developers should adhere to best practices related to file permissions and cleanup to ensure the temporary files serve their intended purpose without causing security or resource issues.