PHP: How to replace a line in a text file

Updated: January 11, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Working with files is a common task in any programming language, and PHP is no exception. One frequent operation when handling text files is replacing a specific line. This can be useful for updating configuration settings, manipulating log files, or editing content stored in flat-file databases.

Understanding File Operations in PHP

PHP offers a comprehensive set of functions to interact with files. Key functions include fopen(), fwrite(), fgets(), and fclose(). Before we delve into replacing a line, it’s essential to understand these basic operations:

  • fopen(): Opens the file in a given mode (read, write, etc.).
  • fwrite(): Writes to the file.
  • fgets(): Reads a line from the file.
  • fclose(): Closes the open file pointer.

Step-by-Step Guide to Replacing a Line in PHP

Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how to replace a line in a text file using PHP:

Step 1: Open the File

$file_path = 'example.txt';
$file_handle = fopen($file_path, 'r+');
if (!$file_handle) {
    die('File does not exist or cannot be opened');

This segment opens example.txt in read-write mode. The r+ mode allows you to read and write to the file, starting at the beginning.

Step 2: Read Lines and Identify the Target

$replacement = 'The line you want to replace with';
$target_line_number = 2; // The line number to be replaced
$current_line_number = 1;

$buffer = '';
while (!feof($file_handle)) {
    $current_line = fgets($file_handle);
    if ($current_line_number === $target_line_number) {
        $buffer .= $replacement . "\n";
    } else {
        $buffer .= $current_line;

Here, we read lines one by one, checking if the current line number matches our target. If it does, we append the replacement text to the buffer; otherwise, we append the current line.

Step 3: Write the Changes

ftruncate($file_handle, 0);
fwrite($file_handle, $buffer);

This part is crucial: first, we truncate the file to empty its contents; then we rewind the file pointer to the beginning and write our buffer (which contains the modified text) to the file.

Step 4: Close the File


Closing the file handle is a good practice as it releases the file to be used by other processes and ensures that our changes have been saved.

Important Considerations

  • File Locking: It’s best to lock the file while writing to prevent simultaneous access. Use flock() for this purpose.
  • Error Handling: Always check for potential errors such as file not existing, permissions problems, or read/write failures.
  • Performance: For very large files, it might be better to write to a temporary file and then rename it. This is both memory and performance-efficient.

Full Code Example

Here’s a comprehensive example that includes file locking and error handling:

$file_path = 'example.txt';
$replacement = 'The line you want to replace with';
$target_line_number = 2;

$file_handle = @fopen($file_path, 'r+');
if (!$file_handle) {
    die('File cannot be opened or does not exist.');

if (flock($file_handle, LOCK_EX)) {
    $buffer = '';
    $current_line_number = 1;
    while (!feof($file_handle)) {
        $current_line = fgets($file_handle);
        if ($current_line_number === $target_line_number) {
            $buffer .= $replacement . "\n";
        } else {
            $buffer .= $current_line;
    ftruncate($file_handle, 0);
    fwrite($file_handle, $buffer);
    flock($file_handle, LOCK_UN);


This example includes the LOCK_EX flag on flock() for exclusive write access, and checks to prevent warnings using the error control operator @.

Concluding Remarks

Replacing a line in a text file with PHP is fairly straight forward but does require attention to detail. By carefully managing resource handles using fopen() and fclose(), correctly manipulating file pointers with ftruncate() and rewind(), and taking care in the handling of the files, you can safely update the contents of a file.

Modern PHP development may involve using more abstracted file handling structures like the Symfony Filesystem component or the Laravel’s File facade, but the underlying concepts remain the same. It is always good to know how to manipulate files at a lower level with built-in PHP functions.

Finally, always remember to back up critical data before running scripts that modify files to safeguard against accidental data loss. Happy coding!