PHP: How to sort an array of dates in DESC/ASC order

Updated: January 9, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Sorting arrays is a fundamental task in programming, and when it comes to sorting dates, PHP offers several functions that make the process intuitive. Whether ascending or descending, understanding how to sort dates properly is essential for time-based data manipulation.

Using usort with strtotime

To begin sorting an array of dates, you can use the usort function in combination with the strtotime function. This approach allows for custom sorting logic and can be easily adapted for both ascending and descending orders.

$dates = array(

usort($dates, function($a, $b) {
    return strtotime($a) - strtotime($b);

print_r($dates); // Output will be in ascending order

To sort in descending order, simply invert the subtraction in the comparison function.

usort($dates, function($a, $b) {
    return strtotime($b) - strtotime($a);

print_r($dates); // Output will be in descending order

Sorting with DateTime Class

Another approach involves the DateTime class, which provides a more object-oriented way to work with dates and sorting.

$dates = array(
    new DateTime('2023-03-25'),
    new DateTime('2023-02-15'),
    new DateTime('2023-04-01')

usort($dates, function($a, $b) {
    return $a <=> $b;

foreach ($dates as $date) {
    echo $date->format('Y-m-d') . '\\n';
} // Outputs ascending order

Use the spaceship operator <=> to sort objects. To sort in reverse, simply flip $a and $b.

usort($dates, function($a, $b) {
    return $b <=> $a;

foreach ($dates as $date) {
    echo $date->format('Y-m-d') . '\\n';
} // Outputs descending order

Array Multisort with Extracted Timestamps

The array_multisort function can simultaneously sort multiple arrays or multi-dimensional arrays. By extracting timestamps from the dates, you can use array_multisort to order them.

$dates = array(
$timestamps = array_map('strtotime', $dates);

array_multisort($timestamps, SORT_ASC, $dates);

print_r($dates); // Output will be in ascending order

// For descending order, change SORT_ASC to SORT_DESC
array_multisort($timestamps, SORT_DESC, $dates);

print_r($dates); // Output will be in descending order

Integration with Database Queries

Sorting can also be done directly within database queries, optimizing performance. Use SQL’s ORDER BY clause to sort dates before they are even fetched into the array.

// Using PDO for a MySQL query
$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=your_db', 'user', 'password');
$stmt = $pdo->query('SELECT * FROM your_table ORDER BY your_date_column ASC');

$dates = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

// The $dates array is now sorted in ascending order

This method is particularly effective for large datasets where PHP-level sorting may become inefficient.

Performance Considerations

When dealing with large arrays, it’s important to consider the performance of your sorting algorithm. Functions like usort with strtotime can be resource-intensive, so for larger datasets, pre-computing timestamps or sorting within the database may provide better performance.


In conclusion, PHP lends you a versatile set of functions to sort an array of dates in either ascending or descending order. Experiment with different methods to find the perfect balance between readability and performance for your particular use case. With a little practice, sorting dates will become second nature in your PHP development journey.