PHP & MySQL: How to Escape Special Characters in SQL Statements

Updated: January 11, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working with PHP and MySQL, it is crucial to safeguard your database queries against SQL injection attacks. At the core of such protection lies the practice of escaping special characters in SQL statements. In this detailed guide, we’ll examine ways to prevent potential security breaches by properly handling these special characters when writing PHP code for MySQL, look at the potential risks, and discuss modern techniques and best practices.

Understanding the Risks

SQL injection is a technique through which attackers can execute arbitrary SQL code on your database by exploiting vulnerabilities in your application. This can lead to unauthorized viewing of data, corrupting or deleting data, and in certain cases, gaining administrative operations on the database server.

To illustrate, consider this sample SQL code:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username' AND password = '$password'; 

Suppose a user submitted a username ' OR 1=1 --'. This would turn the SQL command into:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '' OR 1=1 --' AND password = '$password'; 

This SQL statement would return all the rows from the ‘users’ table because OR 1=1 is always true, and the -- comment syntax causes the rest of the SQL command to be ignored. Clearly, this exposes your data to serious threats.

Escaping Special Characters

To protect against SQL injection, you must ensure that any special characters in user inputs are properly escaped before they’re included in SQL statements. Special characters include single quotes (‘), double quotes (“), backslashes (\), and NULL, among others.

Using mysqli_real_escape_string()

One of the standard functions provided by PHP’s mysqli extension for escaping special characters is mysqli_real_escape_string(). This function escapes potentially dangerous characters in a string destined for a MySQL query.

Usage example:

$username = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $username); 
$password = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $password); 
$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username' AND password = '$password';"; 

Here, $conn is the connection handle to the MySQL server. It’s important to note that mysqli_real_escape_string() requires an existing MySQL connection to work because it takes into account the current character set when escaping characters.

Using Prepared Statements with MySQLi

Prepared statements are another, even more secure method for avoiding SQL injection. They allow you to define SQL code and later bind parameters to it. Here’s how you can use prepared statements with MySQLi:

$query = $conn->prepare('SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ? AND password = ?'); 
$query->bind_param('ss', $username, $password); 

With prepared statements, the MySQL server handles the escaping behind the scenes, reducing the likelihood of errors and security breaches.

Using PDO’s Parameter Binding

PHP Data Objects (PDO) is a database access layer providing a unified way to work with different database systems. PDO provides mechanisms for prepared statements and can bind parameters similarly to MySQLi:

$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=database', 'username', 'password'); $statement = $pdo->prepare('SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ? AND password = ?'); 
$statement->execute([$username, $password]); 

By using PDO, you also get the flexibility of working with different types of databases, not just MySQL.

Be Aware of Unsafe Functions

It’s important to avoid functions that are known to be insecure, such as addslashes(), which simply adds slashes before certain characters. This offers insufficient protection against SQL injection. Similarly, mysql_real_escape_string() (not mysqli_real_escape_string() , which has an “I”, as you’ve seen in the preceding section) is available in PHP’s old mysql extension, which is deprecated and should only be used in old code base (which, for some reasons, cannot or hard to upgrade).

Security Best Practices

Apart from correctly escaping characters, sticking to the following best practices can strengthen your application’s security posture:

  • Use more secure API: PHP extensions like MySQLi and PDO offer more security features than the older mysql extension. Consider migrating to MySQLi or PDO if you’re still using mysql.
  • Least Privilege: Create MySQL users with the least privilege needed. Avoid using the root or equivalent user.
  • Validate and Sanitize Input: Always validate and sanitize user inputs on the server side, not just the client side.
  • Update Regularly: Regularly update your PHP and MySQL installations to apply security patches.
  • Use HTTPS: Protect data in transit using SSL/TLS encryption.


In summary, escaping special characters is crucial for safe interaction with a MySQL database. Implementing proper practices, such as using mysqli_real_escape_string(), prepared statements, and avoiding deprecated functions, will help fortify your applications against SQL injection attacks. Couple these technical measures with broader security practices for maximum defense.