PHP not working in MacOS? Here are the solutions

Updated: January 9, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

If you are a Mac user trying to develop PHP applications, you might sometimes run into issues where PHP does not work the way it’s intended to. There can be several reasons why PHP might not be functioning correctly on MacOS — from version conflicts and configuration errors to permission issues and more. In this tutorial, we will explore different solutions to fix common PHP issues on MacOS.

Check PHP Installation

The first step is to ensure that PHP is properly installed on your system. MacOS comes with PHP pre-installed, but sometimes the path might not be correctly configured, or the version might be outdated.

  1. Open Terminal.
  2. Type php -v to check the installed version of PHP.
  3. If PHP is not installed or if you need a different version, use Homebrew to install it by running brew install php.

Ensure the PHP Module is Enabled

For PHP to work with your web server, the PHP module must be enabled. Apache web server, which is built into MacOS, requires you to uncomment a line in the configuration file.

  1. Edit Apache configuration file by running sudo nano /etc/apache2/httpd.conf in Terminal.
  2. Search for #LoadModule php7_module libexec/apache2/ and uncomment it (remove the #).
  3. Restart Apache using sudo apachectl restart.

Enabling the PHP module allows for seamless integration between PHP and the web server. This solution is specific to Apache and might not apply if you’re using another web server like NGINX.

Permissions and Ownership

Incorrect file permissions and ownership can prevent PHP scripts from executing properly, particularly if running them results in write operations.

  1. Use the ls -l command to check the permissions and ownership of PHP files and folders.
  2. Set the correct permissions by running chmod 755 /path/to/your/php/files for folders and chmod 644 /path/to/your/php/files/*.php for scripts.
  3. You might also need to change the ownership of the PHP files if they’re owned by another user using sudo chown : /path/to/your/php/files.

Proper permissions can prevent unnecessary security risks and ensure that the server’s performance is not degraded by improper access control checks.

This approach ensures PHP files are securely accessible by the server and run without permission errors.
However, incorrectly setting permissions can lead to security vulnerabilities.

Update or Reinstall PHP

Outdated PHP versions can bring compatibility issues and other malfunctions. It’s a good idea to ensure you’re running an updated version of PHP or reinstall it if there are unresolved issues.

  • To update PHP, simply run brew update && brew upgrade php.
  • If you need to reinstall, run brew reinstall php.

An updated PHP version can also enhance performance due to optimizations and fix any compatibility issues with other software. On the other hand, upgrading PHP can sometimes lead to compatibility issues with existing code that relies on deprecated features.


The solutions provided in this guide aim to assist you in troubleshooting and resolving common PHP issues on MacOS. By following these steps, you should be able to get your PHP environment up and running smoothly on your Mac.