PHP: Open a file if it exists, otherwise create it

Updated: January 11, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Working with files is a common task in programming, and PHP makes file operations easy with its built-in functions. Whether you are logging data, storing user-generated content, or working with configuration files, being able to check if a file exists and create it if it doesn’t is a basic but important skill. This tutorial will guide you through the process of opening a file if it exists, or creating it if it doesn’t using PHP.


  • Basic knowledge of PHP syntax and programming concepts.
  • An environment to run PHP scripts, such as a local development environment with PHP installed or a server with PHP support.
  • Access to a text editor or an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to write your PHP code.
  • Knowledge of file permissions and how they work in your operating system, especially if you’re working in a Unix-like environment.

Checks Before Opening or Creating a File

  • Check if a file exists: file_exists() function
  • Check if file is writable: is_writable() function
  • Check if file is readable: is_readable() function

PHP Functions for Opening and Creating Files

PHP provides a collection of functions to open, read, write, and close files. The primary function for opening or creating a file is fopen(). This function can operate in various modes, such as:

  • 'r' mode to open the file for reading only.
  • 'w' mode to open the file for writing only and truncate the file to zero length, creating it if it doesn’t exist.
  • 'a' mode to open for writing only, creating the file if it does not exist and placing the file pointer at the end to append content.
  • 'x' mode to create and open for writing only; returns FALSE and generates an error if the file already exists.

Step by Step Guide on Opening or Creating a File

1. Check if File Exists

$filename = 'example.txt';
if (file_exists($filename)) {
    echo "The file $filename exists";
} else {
    echo "The file $filename does not exist, creating it now";

    // then you can use fopen() to create it

2. Open File in Desired Mode

$file = fopen($filename, 'a');
if ($file) {
    // You can now write to the file
    fwrite($file, "This is a new line in the file.\n");
} else {
    // Handle the error

3. Writing to the File

When you open a file in ‘a’ mode as per the above step, you can write data at the end of it without erasing any existing content. If you would like to completely overwrite the file, open it in ‘w’ mode instead.

See also:

4. Close the File

Always close the file with fclose() when you are done with it:


Error Handling

Always handle errors when working with files as it could contain critical system information or data essential for your application’s functionality. Utilize or die() statement or try-catch blocks along with the file functions for error handling.

Example with Error Handling

$file = @fopen($filename, 'a') or die("Unable to open file!");
fwrite($file, "Example content\n");

File Permissions

Understanding and handling file permissions is necessary when working with file creation and operations in a PHP script. Use chmod() to change file permissions if needed, and be sure to understand the implication of the permissions you set, specifically on a production server.

Here’s a basic PHP example to demonstrate how to use chmod() to change file permissions:


$filename = 'example.txt'; // Replace with your filename

// Check if the file exists
if (!file_exists($filename)) {
    die("File not found: $filename");

// Change the file permissions
// 0644 means the owner can read and write, others can only read
if (chmod($filename, 0644)) {
    echo "Changed file permissions successfully.";
} else {
    echo "Failed to change file permissions.";

// For more secure file permissions, especially on a production server
// 0600 means only the owner can read and write, others have no permissions
// if (chmod($filename, 0600)) {
//     echo "Changed file permissions successfully to more secure permissions.";
// } else {
//     echo "Failed to change file permissions.";
// }


This script:

  • Checks if the specified file exists.
  • Uses chmod() to change the permissions of the file. In this example, 0644 is used, which allows the owner to read and write the file, and others to read it. This is a common setting for files that need to be readable by web server software.

Important Notes:

  • File permissions are provided in octal format (e.g., 0644, 0755, 0600).
  • Be very cautious with file permissions, especially on a production server. Incorrect permissions can lead to security vulnerabilities.
  • 0600 is a more secure setting where only the file owner has read and write access, and it is suitable for sensitive files.
  • Make sure the PHP script has the necessary permissions to change the file permissions. This usually means the script and the file in question should be owned by the same user.
  • Always test such scripts in a safe, controlled environment before deploying them in a production scenario.


In this tutorial, you learned how to check if a file exists in PHP, open it if it does, and create it if it doesn’t. Handling files properly is crucial for the security and efficiency of your application. Whether you are managing user uploads, writing logs, or storing settings, the operations learned can be a foundation for all sorts of file handling activities in your PHP applications.