PHP regex with case-insensitive matching

Updated: January 9, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Matching strings in PHP with regular expressions can be a powerful tool for developers. This tutorial takes you through the nuances of case-insensitive regex patterns in PHP, enhancing your string manipulation skills seamlessly.

What is Case-Insensitive Matching?

By default, regular expressions are case-sensitive, meaning they differentiate between uppercase and lowercase letters. Case-insensitive matching allows the regex to match letters regardless of their case.

Using the ‘i’ Modifier

In PHP, case-insensitive matching is achieved by using the ‘i’ modifier at the end of the regex pattern. Here’s a basic example:

$pattern = '/hello/i';
if (preg_match($pattern, 'Hello World')) {
    echo 'Match found!';
} else {
    echo 'No match found.';

Matching Characters Individually

If you need to make only certain parts of your regex case-insensitive, use character classes or the bracket notation with the relevant letters. For instance:

$pattern = '/h[eE][lL]{2}[oO]/';
if (preg_match($pattern, 'HeLLo')) {
    echo 'Match found!';

Case-Insensitive with Unicode

To handle Unicode characters in a case-insensitive manner, you can use the ‘u’ modifier alongside ‘i’:

$pattern = '/schrödinger/iu';
if (preg_match($pattern, 'SchrÖdinger')) {
    echo 'Match found!';

Case-Insensitivity in Replacement Functions

Case-insensitive matches aren’t limited to searching; they also apply to replacement functions like preg_replace(). Here, we replace ‘hello’ in various cases with ‘hi’:

$pattern = '/hello/i';
$text = 'Hello, HeLLo, hELLo';
$result = preg_replace($pattern, 'hi', $text);
echo $result;  // Outputs: hi, hi, hi

Case-Insensitivity in Regex Patterns

Let’s dive into more complex patterns, exploring how case-insensitivity plays a crucial role:

$pattern = '/^h[a-z]+/i';
echo preg_match($pattern, 'Hello');  // Outputs: 1

Advanced Uses of Case-Insensitive Regex

For advanced uses, consider dynamically changing the case-sensitivity within a pattern or even mixing different locales:

$pattern = '/^(?-i)hello|(écouté)/i';
if (preg_match($pattern, 'HELLO écouté')) {
    echo 'Match found!';  // Mixed sensitivity

Best Practices and Performance

Though case-insensitive matching is convenient, it has performance trade-offs. Optimizing your regex and knowing when to use case-sensitivity can lead to faster and more efficient code.


In conclusion, mastering case-insensitive matching in PHP provides a significant upgrade to your regex capabilities. From simple modifiers to intricate pattern design, implementing this feature allows for versatile and robust string handling.