PHP: 4 Ways to Generate a Random String

Updated: January 9, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Generating random strings is a common task in many applications, for instance, in creating unique identifiers, passwords, or salt for hashes. PHP provides several methods to generate random strings. This post outlines different approaches, their implementation, and considerations.

MD5 Uniqueness Method

The MD5 hashing algorithm can be used to generate a hex string from some unique data. While MD5 is not recommended for cryptographic purposes due to vulnerabilities, it is sufficient for simple random string generation.

Here’s the process:

  1. Generate unique data, like the current time plus a random number.
  2. Apply the MD5 hashing algorithm to the unique data.
  3. The hash result is your random string.

Code example:

$uniqueData = uniqid(mt_rand(), true);
$randomString = md5($uniqueData);
echo $randomString;

Notes: The MD5 uniqueness method is straightforward and generates a 32-character hexadecimal string. However, due to the fixed length and the algorithm’s vulnerabilities, it’s not suitable for security-sensitive needs.

OpenSSL Random Pseudo Bytes

OpenSSL’s openssl_random_pseudo_bytes function generates a secure random string of bytes, which can be subsequently converted to a different format as needed.

  1. Decide the length of the random string you want to generate.
  2. Use openssl_random_pseudo_bytes to generate a string of bytes.
  3. Convert the byte string to hexadecimal or base64 as needed.

Code example:

$bytes = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16);
$randomString = bin2hex($bytes);
echo $randomString;

Notes: This method provides a cryptographically strong string of random bytes. The function can also tell you if the generated string is cryptographically strong through a second parameter that returns a boolean value.

Random String Generation with str_shuffle

PHP’s str_shuffle reorders a given string randomly. Provide a string with all the characters that could appear in your random string and shuffle it.

  1. Create a base string with all the possible characters.
  2. Use str_shuffle to randomly shuffle the base string.
  3. Shorten the shuffled string to your needed length.

Code example:

$baseString = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789';
$randomString = substr(str_shuffle($baseString), 0, 10);
echo $randomString;

Notes: This method is simple and customizable through the base string. However, it’s not cryptographically secure and has its randomness limited by the initial character set and the algorithm used for shuffling.

Random Integers Concatenation

By concatenating random integers, you can generate random numbers. This method uses the rand() or mt_rand() function to generate random integers.

  1. Initialize an empty string for your random string.
  2. Loop a certain amount of times based on the length of the string you want.
  3. In each iteration, generate a random integer and concatenate it to your random string.

Code example:

$randomString = '';
for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
    $randomString .= mt_rand(0, 9);
echo $randomString;

Notes: While simple, this method provides only numeric characters and is not cryptographically secure. It’s sufficient for non-secure random string needs like generating random IDs.


In PHP, several methods are available to generate random strings, each suited for different scenarios. Options like openssl_random_pseudo_bytes provide cryptographic strength, while str_shuffle and MD5 are easier but less secure. Considering security implications, desired character sets, and randomness quality determines the best approach for a specific use case. Always use cryptographically secure methods for anything involving sensitive information.