Pivot tables in MySQL 8: A Practical Guide

Updated: January 26, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Handling data effectively is a core skill for any database professional. One powerful data summarization tool is a pivot table, which allows you to transform rows into columns, aggregating data in the process. This can be particularly useful for reporting purposes. While MySQL does not have a built-in PIVOT function like some other database management systems, the functionality can be mimicked using CASE or IF statements along with aggregation functions. This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating pivot tables in MySQL 8, assuming you have a basic understanding of SQL.

Setting up Your Environment

Before we can construct pivot tables, it’s essential to have a database with some sample data. For the purpose of this tutorial, imagine we have a sales database that tracks orders by month and product.

    order_date DATE NOT NULL,
    product VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    quantity INT NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (id)

We’ll populate this table with sample data:

INSERT INTO sales (order_date, product, quantity) VALUES 
('2023-01-15', 'Widget', 10),
('2023-01-15', 'Gadget', 20),
('2023-02-12', 'Widget', 15),  
('2023-02-12', 'Gizmo', 5),

Static Pivot Tables in MySQL

Pivoting data requires defining which values will become columns. The easiest way to create a static pivot table is by using conditional aggregation:

    MONTH(order_date) AS order_month,
    SUM(CASE WHEN product='Widget' THEN quantity ELSE 0 END) AS widget_sales,
    SUM(CASE WHEN product='Gadget' THEN quantity ELSE 0 END) AS gadget_sales,
    SUM(CASE WHEN product='Gizmo' THEN quantity ELSE 0 END) AS gizmo_sales
FROM sales
GROUP BY order_month;

This query produces a report where sales for each product are listed in separate columns per month. You should see results structured like this:

| order_month | widget_sales | gadget_sales | gizmo_sales |
| 1           | 10           | 20           | 0           |
| 2           | 15           | 0            | 5           |

Dynamic Pivot Tables in MySQL

When you’re unsure about the values that need to become columns, or if they change frequently, a static approach like the one provided above won’t work well. A dynamic pivot involves constructing the query with dynamic SQL.

The following is an advanced example where we use a prepared statement to create a pivot table dynamically:

SET @sql = NULL;

            'SUM(CASE WHEN product = ''',
            ''' THEN quantity ELSE 0 END) AS `',
            product, '_sales`'
    ) INTO @sql
FROM sales;

SET @sql = CONCAT('SELECT MONTH(order_date) AS order_month, ', @sql, ' FROM sales GROUP BY order_month');

PREPARE statement FROM @sql;
EXECUTE statement;

This approach dynamically creates a list of SUM/CASE statements for each product and then incorporates them into a full pivot query, which is then executed. This can handle different products being added over time without requiring manual changes to the pivot query.

Complex Pivot Tables with Multiple Dimensions

In some cases, you might require a pivot table with more layers, including multiple row dimensions. This can be achieved through additional joining and subquerying functions, but will similarly use case logic and aggregation for the pivoting:

    YEAR(order_date) AS order_year, 
    MONTH(order_date) AS order_month,
    SUM(quantity) AS total_sales,
    SUM(CASE WHEN quantity > 15 THEN quantity ELSE 0 END) AS high_volume_sales
FROM sales
GROUP BY order_year, order_month, product
ORDER BY order_year, order_month, product;

This query shows both the total sales and high-volume sales (where quantity is greater than 15), grouping by product and then ordering the results by year and month.


Pivot tables in MySQL, while not straightforward, are very much possible and extremely useful for generating reports and visualizing data. As shown, they can be created through the use of conditional aggregation along with dynamic SQL for more complex, ever-changing data sets.