PostgreSQL: Can a table contain 10 million rows?

Updated: January 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Understanding the limits and capabilities of a database system is crucial for scalability and performance. PostgreSQL, with its robust architecture, can indeed hold tables with 10 million rows and beyond, when properly configured and maintained. This article explores how to effectively work with large tables in PostgreSQL.

Introduction to PostgreSQL and Large Datasets

PostgreSQL is an open-source, feature-rich, and extensible relational database system known for its reliability, data integrity, and support for advanced data types and functions. Large datasets are increasingly common, and PostgreSQL is equipped to handle them efficiently with the right techniques. This tutorial will guide you through managing tables with millions of rows, from table creation and data insertion to performance optimization and maintenance.

Creating a Large Table

CREATE TABLE big_table (
    data JSONB,
    created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW()

Using a `SERIAL` type for the primary key will ensure that each row has a unique identifier, which is essential for indexing and query planning. Choosing a JSONB data type for the sample data column allows the storage of structured, non-relational data, offering flexibility.

Batch Insertion of Rows

INSERT INTO big_table (data)
SELECT jsonb_build_object('key', 'value')
FROM generate_series(1, 10000000);

The `generate_series` function in PostgreSQL is quite useful when you need to insert a large number of rows. It generates a set of rows containing a series of integer values from the start and stop parameters defined.

Indexing Large Tables

Creating indexes on large tables is essential to improve query performance. The following code snippet demonstrates creating a GIN index on the JSONB column, which is optimized for data types that store multiple values in a single column.

CREATE INDEX idx_big_table_data ON big_table USING GIN (data);

Maintenance & Vacuuming

As the number of rows in a table grows, it’s important to perform regular maintenance such as vacuuming, to maintain performance by cleaning up dead tuples and to prevent transaction ID wraparound issues.


Query Optimization

Efficient querying from large tables requires optimization techniques such as using WHERE clauses to filter rows, utilizing indexes effectively, and avoiding selecting unnecessary columns. Below is an example of a query utilizing an index:

SELECT * FROM big_table WHERE data @> '{"key": "value"}'::jsonb;


As tables grow, partitioning can be an effective strategy to maintain performance. PostgreSQL supports table partitioning, which allows dividing a table into smaller and more manageable pieces.

CREATE TABLE big_table_partitioned (
    data JSONB,
    created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW()
) PARTITION BY RANGE (created_at);

CREATE TABLE big_table_2023 PARTITION OF big_table_partitioned
    FOR VALUES FROM ('2023-01-01') TO ('2024-01-01');

Monitoring and Performance Tuning

To ensure continuous performance with large tables, regular monitoring and tuning are necessary. Choosing the right hardware, configuring work_mem, maintenance_work_mem, shared_buffers, and effectively using the EXPLAIN command are pivotal.

Handling Joins with Large Tables

When working with large tables, joins can be challenging. Below is an exemplification of joining a large table with itself efficiently.

FROM big_table a
JOIN big_table b ON @>
WHERE < 10000 AND < 1000;

Use of Extensions and Modules

PostgreSQL’s extensibility includes an ecosystem of modules and extensions, some of which, like TimescaleDB or Citus, can augment PostgreSQL’s handling of massive datasets considerably.


This tutorial has provided an insight into PostgreSQL’s ability to store and manage tables with 10 million rows. With diligent design, maintenance strategies, and performance tuning, PostgreSQL is more than capable of handling extensive datasets in a production environment. To excel with PostgreSQL, continue to explore its rich features, customization options, and good practices for working with large-scale data.