PostgreSQL Error: Column ‘column_name’ does not exist – Solutions Guide

Updated: January 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Developers often encounter the error “Column ‘column_name’ does not exist” when working with PostgreSQL. This error typically indicates a discrepancy between the queried column names and the actual column names in the database schema. This guide will overview reasons for the error and outline solutions to fix it.

Common Causes

  • Typographical errors in the column name
  • Incorrect table alias
  • Case sensitivity issues
  • Missing or incorrect schema qualification
  • Attempting to use reserved words without quotes


1. Verify Column Names

Ensure that the column name mentioned in the error exists in the database table with the correct spelling and letter casing.

  1. Connect to the PostgreSQL database.
  2. Use the \d table_name command to list columns of the table.
  3. Check the column names against those used in the query.

Pros: Simple and quick to perform.

Cons: Manual inspection; not automated.

2. Adjust Case Sensitivity

Wrap the column name in double quotes if it was created with mixed case or non-lowercase characters.


SELECT "columnName" FROM table_name;

Pros: Ensures the database respects the case of the column.

Cons: Queries become more verbose due to quotation marks.

3. Schema Qualification

Prefix the column name with the schemaname if it exists within a specific schema and you’re not in that search path currently.


SELECT schemaname.columnName FROM table_name;

Pros: Explicit reference to the schema.

Cons: Not necessary if operating within the schema’s search path.

4. Reserved Words Handling

If the column name is a PostgreSQL reserved word, wrap it in double quotes.


SELECT "user" FROM table_name;

Pros: Enables the use of reserved words as identifiers.

Cons: Can lead to confusing code if reserved words are commonly used.

5. Correct Aliasing

Verify any table aliases used in the query to ensure that the column name can be affiliated with the correct table.


SELECT t.columnName FROM table_name t;

Pros: Clarifies which table a column belongs to in joins.

Cons: Increases complexity when many tables and aliases are involved.


This guide provides a systematic approach to identifying and correcting the “Column ‘column_name’ does not exist” error in PostgreSQL. By understanding the common causes and implementing these solutions, developers can streamline their debugging process and reduce downtime associated with database errors.