PostgreSQL error: Column does not exist but it does

Updated: January 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working with PostgreSQL, users might encounter a ‘column does not exist’ error even when the column clearly exists in the database schema. This error can be perplexing but often arises from simple oversight or syntax discrepancies. We will explore the causes and present several solutions for this issue, enabling developers to avoid or resolve the error swiftly.

Causes of the Error

Several common errors could lead to this situation, including case sensitivity, incorrect table references, missing schema references, and others. It is important to accurately reference the names of the columns within SQL queries and to do so consistently with how they are defined in the database.

Solution 1: Quoting Identifiers

One common reason for this error is the case sensitivity of PostgreSQL. If a column was created with quotes, its name is case-sensitive. If you reference it without quotes or with a different case, PostgreSQL will not locate the column.

  1. Identify the exact name of the column as it is defined, including cases.
  2. Reference the column using double quotes (“) around the name, preserving the exact case in the query.


SELECT "ColumnName" FROM table_name;

Performance discussion: This solution has no performance implications, it’s a matter of correct syntax.

Advantages: Fixes issues with case sensitivity, without changing the schema.

Limitations: Requires exact naming every time, which can be tedious.

Solution 2: Checking Search Path

Sometimes, a selected column might not exist in the default search path or schema. Ensuring that the correct schema is specified in the search path or in the SQL query can resolve this issue.

  1. Check the current search path with the command SHOW search_path;.
  2. Modify the search path to include the schema where the column exists or specify the schema explicitly in the query.

Example query:

SET search_path TO schema_name, public; SELECT column_name FROM schema_name.table_name;

Performance discussion: Adjusting the search path affects only the resolution of object names. Performance remains unaffected.

Advantages: Accurate location of objects across schemas without altering queries.

Cautions: If not set permanently, the search path has to be specified per session.

Solution 3: Renaming Columns Consistently

If feasible, a long-term solution might involve renaming the columns to follow a consistent naming convention, such as all lowercase.

  1. Ensure that all system and user roles that utilize the database can accommodate the column renaming.
  2. Use the ALTER TABLE command to rename the column.

Example query:

ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME COLUMN "ColumnName" TO column_name;

Performance discussion: Straightforward rename of a column often doesn’t impact query performance. However, the change itself may be resource-intensive and should be scheduled during a maintenance window.

Advantages: Reduces the probable case sensitivity issues in the future.

Limitations: Involved process and potentially introduces bugs if applications rely on the previous naming convention.


These solutions aim to provide clear steps to rectify the ‘column does not exist’ error in PostgreSQL due to a common set of issues. Understanding the root cause is crucial in adopting the right strategy to resolve conflicts effectively and avoid impacting the application performance negatively.