PostgreSQL Error: ‘Invalid input syntax for type integer’

Updated: January 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working with PostgreSQL, errors regarding data types and syntax can often occur, especially when you input the wrong type of data into a column designed for a different type. The error ‘Invalid input syntax for type integer’ indicates that PostgreSQL expected an integer value, but something else was provided. Let’s explore the reasons for this error and potential solutions.

Possible causes:

  • Non-integer value inserted into an integer column.
  • Data type mismatch in comparison operations or functions.
  • Misformatted CSV or other data input when using COPY or bulk insert methods.


Solution 1: Verify Data Types in Application Code

In many cases, this error may arise from erroneous application code where a variable holding non-integer values is inserted into an integer column.

  1. Identify the query causing the error.
  2. Check the application code to ensure that only integer values are passed for the integer column.
  3. If necessary, cast or convert the values to integer before insertion.


-- Assume that 'age' should be an integer
INSERT INTO users (name, age) VALUES ('Alice', CAST(user_input_age AS INTEGER));

No significant performance impact unless the overhead of casting is high due to large volumes of data. The main advantage is ensuring data integrity by validating types before insertion. However, it requires a careful review of application code and may not address all data type related issues.

Solution 2: Use Database Constraints

Ensure accurate data types with appropriate database constraints for preventing invalid data from being entered in the first place.

Alter the table to add a check constraint:

-- Assuming 'age' is the column with integer values
ALTER TABLE users ADD CONSTRAINT check_age_valid CHECK (age::text ~ '^[0-9]+);

This will somewhat affect performance because each insert operation will need to check against the constraints, but it will prevent the majority of bad data input, ultimately protecting the integrity of your database.

Solution 3: Correct Bulk Data Import Procedures

Issues can occur with bulk data imports that contain improper formatting or rogue characters. The solution is to clean the CSV or utilize the PostgreSQL COPY command effectively:

  1. Review the format of the CSV or data file to ensure it conforms to the integer data type requirements.
  2. Clean the CSV file and remove non-integer values before import.
  3. Use COPY with appropriate formatting specifiers.


COPY users(name, age) FROM '/path/to/file.csv' WITH (FORMAT csv, HEADER true);

For large datasets, this can be very efficient but ensure that data is properly formatted before the operation to avoid errors. You can also use CSVLint or similar tools to validate CSV data.

Additional solutions include parameterized queries when working with application code, database triggers that automatically handle bad inputs, or custom functions for input validation, which could provide fine-grained control but may add complexity and development overhead.

See also: How to audit data with triggers in PostgreSQL.

Regardless of the solution employed, the error ‘Invalid input syntax for type integer’ is mostly preventable with proper application logic, data input validation, and constraint use within PostgreSQL. Grasping each method’s nuances will help decide which best suits your particular scenario.


By understanding and employing these strategies, developers can mitigate the risk of encountering the ‘Invalid input syntax for type integer’ error in PostgreSQL. Ensuring that your input data types align with your database schema is critical to maintaining a robust and error-free data management environment.