PostgreSQL: Implicit and Explicit Data Type Conversion

Updated: January 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Understanding data type conversions is crucial in PostgreSQL to prevent unexpected behavior and errors. This tutorial delves into both implicit and explicit data type conversions with practical examples.

Introduction to Data Type Conversion

Data type conversion, also known as type casting, is a fundamental concept in PostgreSQL that allows the conversion of a value from one data type to another. This can happen automatically (implicit conversion) or can be manually specified by the user (explicit conversion). Knowing when and how to use type conversion is important for writing efficient and error-free SQL queries.

Implicit Conversion

In PostgreSQL, implicit conversion happens automatically when an operation between different types is considered “safe” and does not lead to unexpected results or data loss. Most common implicit conversions happen between various numeric types and between different date and time types.

-- Example of implicit conversion from INT to FLOAT

However, not all data type conversions can be implicit due to the potential risk of losing precision or meaning in the values. That’s where explicit conversion comes into play.

Explicit Conversion

Explicit conversion is done by the user using the CAST() operator or the :: syntax. This type of conversion gives you control over how the data is converted and is necessary when implicit conversion is not possible.

-- Explicit conversion of text to integer

-- Using the :: syntax for the same purpose

Understanding Type Conversion Rules

PostgreSQL follows a set of rules for data type conversion that are defined in the documentation. It’s essential to familiarize yourself with these rules to predict how PostgreSQL will behave when dealing with different data types.

-- Rules when converting between integer and text types
SELECT '5'::TEXT + '2'::TEXT; -- Results in text concatenation

-- To get an arithmetic sum, explicit casting is necessary

Common Conversions in PostgreSQL

After grasping the fundamentals, it’s important to move forward with more intricate conversion scenarios that frequently occur in PostgreSQL databases.

Converting Text to Numeric Types

There are times when numbers are stored as text and require conversion to numeric types for mathematical operations.

-- To perform calculation, conversion from text to numeric is required
SELECT ('100'::TEXT)::NUMERIC + 50;

-- Avoiding errors when text cannot be converted to numeric
SELECT 'ABCDEFG'::NUMERIC; -- Results in an error
SELECT SAFE_CAST('ABCDEFG' AS NUMERIC); -- Returns NULL instead of an error

Handling Date and Time Types

The date and time types have special consideration due to their complex structures and the precision required in data representations.

-- Explicit converting text to a date
SELECT '2023-01-01'::DATE;

-- Adding intervals to dates requires explicit casting

Advanced Type Conversion Techniques

Beyond the basics, some advanced type conversion scenarios can be leveraged to solve complex problems more effectively in PostgreSQL.

Using Type Conversion with Arrays

Converting between arrays and their base element types can provide powerful pathways to manipulate large collections of data easily.

-- Transforming an array to text and vice-versa
SELECT '{1,2,3}'::INTEGER[];

-- Handling multi-dimensional arrays
SELECT '{{1,2},{3,4}}'::INTEGER[][];

Working with Composite Types

Rolling out type conversion among user-defined composite types and built-in data types introduces flexibility when dealing with custom data structures.

-- Creating a composite type
CREATE TYPE user_details AS (
    name TEXT,
    age INTEGER

-- Converting a row to a composite type
SELECT ROW('John Doe', 30)::user_details;

Best Practices for Type Conversion in PostgreSQL

As with other parts of SQL, following best practices is essential for maintaining readability, performance, and avoiding common pitfalls associated with type conversion.

  1. Avoid unnecessary type conversion as it can lead to performance degradation.
  2. Be explicit about type conversion to reduce ambiguity and enhance query clarity.
  3. Test edge cases where the conversion rules may not behave as expected.
  4. Use database functions like COALESCE and SAFE_CAST to handle potential conversion errors gracefully.


This tutorial has guided you through the intricacies of implicit and explicit data type conversions in PostgreSQL. Armed with this knowledge and the demonstrated examples, you can write more robust, precise, and adaptable SQL queries that handle data type conversions effectively.