PostgreSQL: What is the max number of columns in a table?

Updated: January 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Understanding the limitations of a database system is crucial for effective schema design. In PostgreSQL, one such limitation involves the maximum number of columns a table can have, a key consideration for database architects.

Understanding Limits

In PostgreSQL, the system catalogs are defined in a way that limits the number of columns a table can have. According to the PostgreSQL documentation, the theoretical limit is around 1600 columns per table. However, the practical limit is often lower, depending on the types of columns and how the table is used. Certain column types, like indexed or boolean columns, can decrease the maximum number. This is because PostgreSQL stores table rows in blocks of a fixed size (usually 8 kB), and the actual row overhead might lead to a lower column limit.

Here’s a simple yet illustrative experiment you can do to find the practical limit:

CREATE TABLE try_max_columns (
    col1 text,
    col2 text,
    -- Repeat for as many columns as you can

Add columns to the declaration above until you hit a failure. This failure will point to the practical column limit for your specific use case.

Database Design Considerations

Even though you can technically have hundreds of columns in a PostgreSQL table, it’s not considered best practice to design tables with so many columns. Such a wide table might point to design issues like data normalization needs. Instead, consider breaking the table into smaller, manageable ones that capture one-to-one or one-to-many relationships.

Workarounds and Best Practices

If you find yourself needing more columns than PostgreSQL allows, consider whether you can use a JSONB column to store a set of data as a JSON object. JSONB columns can encapsulate multiple key-value pairs in a single database field.

CREATE TABLE wide_table (
    id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    attributes jsonb

Use this design to essentially bypass the column limit, while still maintaining the ability to index and query nested data. But be cautious: this comes with trade-offs in terms of performance and the ability to enforce strong typing and constraints on the data.

Advanced Uses: Partitioning and TOAST

Larger tables in PostgreSQL can benefit from advanced features like table partitioning and TOAST (The Oversized-Attribute Storage Technique). Partitioning a table across multiple child tables can help manage large data sets, and PostgreSQL’s TOAST feature automatically compresses large field values to allow for more efficient storage. Utilizing these techniques, you can store and manage large amounts of data without hitting the column limit.

CREATE TABLE measurement (
    city_id int NOT NULL,
    logdate date NOT NULL,
    peaktemp int,
    unitsales int

CREATE TABLE measurement_y2006m02 PARTITION OF measurement 
FOR VALUES FROM ('2006-02-01') TO ('2006-03-01');

Performance Implications

Tables with a high number of columns can suffer from performance issues, especially when it comes to write operations. PostgreSQL has to manage more data for each row, which can increase the time it takes to insert or update records. When you approach the column limit, it’s wise to evaluate the performance of your queries and test different table structures for your workload. This might involve normalizing your table structure or using other PostgreSQL features like views or materialized views for complex queries.


While PostgreSQL sets a high theoretical limit on the number of columns per table, practical considerations and best practices mean that you’re unlikely to ever need or want to reach this limit. Consider whether your design could benefit from normalization or the use of JSONB fields to streamline your database schema effectively. Remember: with great power comes great responsibility. Use PostgreSQL features wisely to design databases that are not just powerful, but also practical, sustainable, and efficient.