PostgreSQL problem: Slow query with JOIN and ORDER BY

Updated: January 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Efficiency in SQL queries is paramount for smooth database operations. This tutorial sheds light on performance issues associated with slow queries using JOIN and ORDER BY in PostgreSQL and how to optimize them.

Understanding the Problem

When a PostgreSQL query involves a JOIN operation followed by an ORDER BY clause, this often comes with the implication that the database needs to do a lot of work under the hood. Understanding the internals of how PostgreSQL processes these commands is key to optimizing the query. A common scenario is a query that joins multiple tables and then tries to order the result based on a column that is not indexed. This can lead to full table scans and large in-memory sorts that will drastically slow down the execution.

FROM orders
JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id =
ORDER BY customers.last_name;

Basics of Query Optimization

Query optimization typically starts with analyzing the execution plan with EXPLAIN or EXPLAIN ANALYZE. These commands will help you see what steps PostgreSQL takes to run your query and where the potential bottlenecks are.

FROM orders
JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id =
ORDER BY customers.last_name;

Look for sequential scans or sorts that are performed on large datasets. These are your primary targets for optimization.

Indexing Strategies

Creating appropriate indexes is typically the first step in query optimization. A multi-column index that includes the join key and the order by columns may help improve performance by allowing an index-only scan. With PostgreSQL’s capabilities, you can even create DESC or NULLS FIRST/LAST indexes to match the order of your ORDER BY clause, which can be helpful when handling complex sorting requirements.

CREATE INDEX idx_customers_last_name
ON customers (last_name);

-- Multi-column index
CREATE INDEX idx_orders_customers
ON orders(customer_id, created_at DESC);

Utilizing PostgreSQL Features

PostgreSQL offers advanced features like CTEs (Common Table Expressions) and window functions that can be leveraged for more complex query patterns. CTEs can help structure your queries for better readability and performance, while window functions can provide efficient ways of applying aggregates and other operations over a window of rows.

WITH RankedCustomers AS (
    SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY customer_id ORDER BY created_at DESC) AS rn
    FROM orders
FROM RankedCustomers AS rc
JOIN customers ON rc.customer_id =
WHERE rn = 1
ORDER BY customers.last_name;

Join Optimization

Choosing the right type of join could also have significant impacts on performance. PostgreSQL supports INNER, LEFT/RIGHT OUTER, FULL OUTER, and CROSS joins, each with different performance characteristics. Generally, an INNER JOIN can be faster since it only returns rows that have matching values in both tables, which can cut down the data the database is sorting.

FROM orders
INNER JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id =
ORDER BY customers.last_name;

Performance Tuning with Subqueries

Sometimes, it may make sense to use subqueries to reduce the result set size before applying ORDER BY. Filtered or limited subqueries can work as a preliminary step, making the final sort operation less costly.

    SELECT *
    FROM orders
    WHERE total_cost > 100
    LIMIT 100
) AS sub
JOIN customers ON sub.customer_id =
ORDER BY customers.last_name;

Batch Processing

For especially large datasets, consider breaking your query into smaller batches. Batch processing can be facilitated using limits and offsets or keyset pagination, minimizing the work that each query execution must perform at once.

FROM orders
JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id =
ORDER BY, customers.last_name
LIMIT 100;

The use of OFFSET can be avoided in favor of keyset pagination where possible for even better performance:

FROM orders
JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id =
WHERE > last_processed_id
LIMIT 100;

Reevaluating Data Model

An often overlooked aspect of performance is the data model itself. Ensuring that data is normalized properly and that unnecessary complexity isn’t being introduced can simplify queries and increase their speed. Additionally, having a denormalized table for reporting purposes that already includes the necessary join and sort fields can altogether bypass complex joins in time-sensitive queries.


To improve the performance of PostgreSQL queries involving JOINs and ORDER BY clauses, it’s crucial to analyze your queries, leverage indexes, optimize joins, and consider database design. Indexing will often provide the highest benefit, but understanding and modifying how you join and order your data can yield substantial improvements as well.