PostgreSQL: Ways to Remove Old Indices from a Table

Updated: January 18, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Managing database performance often involves working with indices. In PostgreSQL, indices play a crucial role in speeding up data retrieval but can also become a performance issues when they are outdated, redundant, or no longer in use. This tutorial will guide you through the various ways to identify and remove old indices from a PostgreSQL table to keep your database optimized.

Identifying Unused Indices

Before we dive into removal, it’s crucial that we discuss how to identify indices that are potentially outdated or unused. Here is a simple query to help detect unused indices:

    indexrelname AS index_name,
    idx_scan AS times_used
    pg_indexes ON indexrelname = indexname
    idx_scan = 0;

This query returns the names of indices and the number of times they’ve been scanned. Zero scans likely indicate an unused index.

Understand the Context

Before dropping any index, make sure it’s not used by analyzing queries executed in production. Dropping an essential index can lead to performance degradation.

Removing Indices

To remove an index, use the DROP INDEX command. Here is an example of how to drop an index:

DROP INDEX IF EXISTS index_to_remove;

Using IF EXISTS is a safeguard against errors if the index has already been removed or does not exist.

Transaction Blocks

When dropping multiple indices, it’s a good practice to use transaction blocks to ensure that the removal of all indices is treated as a single atomic operation. Here’s how to group dropping indices within a transaction:


DROP INDEX index_to_remove_a;
DROP INDEX index_to_remove_b;


If any index drop fails within the transaction, PostgreSQL will not commit any of the changes.


If you’re not removing an index but rather want to rebuild it to improve performance (e.g., after significant updates/deletes), you can use the REINDEX command:

REINDEX INDEX index_to_rebuild;

Understanding Index Size

Index bloat can occur over time. To check the size of your indices, you can use a query like:

SELECT indexname, pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(indexrelid)) AS index_size
FROM pg_stat_user_indexes
JOIN pg_indexes ON pg_stat_user_indexes.indexrelname = pg_indexes.indexname;

This query will give you a human-readable size of each index, aiding your decision on which indices may be bloated and candidates for removal or rebuilding.

Automating Index Maintenance

For larger databases, manual index management may not be feasible. There are tools and extensions like pg_repack and pg_cron that can automate the process of removing and reindexing.

Testing Impact

Once you’ve removed or rebuilt an index, you should monitor the system to make sure it has had a positive impact. Recheck query performance and ensure system load is within acceptable levels. Always keep a backup before making any destructive changes to your indices.


Regular maintenance of indices in PostgreSQL is crucial for database performance. Removing old or unused indices can help maintain efficiency and keep the size of the database manageable. Make sure to execute these tasks cautiously, with a good understanding of their implications and always ensure your data is backed up before starting.