PostgreSQL ROLLUP and CUBE: Grouping Sets

Updated: January 5, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


PostgreSQL provides powerful tools for complex data analysis. Among them are the ROLLUP and CUBE functions, which extend the capabilities of the GROUP BY clause, allowing for multi-level and multi-dimensional aggregation. This tutorial will walk you through understanding and using these features, enriched with code examples.

Understanding ROLLUP and CUBE

In PostgreSQL, ROLLUP and CUBE are extensions of the GROUP BY clause that allow you to produce subtotal or total results across a range of different dimensions. The ROLLUP operator generates a result set that shows aggregates for a hierarchy of values of the selected columns. Whereas, CUBE generates a result set that shows subtotals for all combinations of values in the selected columns, often used for cross-tabulation.

Basic ROLLUP Example

SELECT dept_id, SUM(salary)
FROM employees

This will give you the total salary per department as well as the grand total of salaries across all departments.

Basic CUBE Example

SELECT dept_id, job_title, SUM(salary)
FROM employees
GROUP BY CUBE(dept_id, job_title);

The result is a data set with subtotals for each department and job title, as well as for each department across all job titles, each job title across all departments, and a grand total of all salaries.

Using ROLLUP and CUBE in Complex Queries

ROLLUP and CUBE can be used to perform complex summaries in a single query. It’s often used in financial reporting, inventory analysis, and sales data summaries.

Advanced ROLLUP Example

SELECT dept_id, emp_id, AVG(salary) AS avg_salary
FROM employees
GROUP BY ROLLUP(dept_id, emp_id);

This query will provide the average salary for each employee as well as for each department, along with the overall average salary.

Advanced CUBE Example

SELECT dept_id, emp_id, job_title, SUM(sales_amount) AS total_sales
FROM sales
GROUP BY CUBE(dept_id, emp_id, job_title);

This complex summarization will display sales amounts aggregated by individual dimensions as well as all possible combinations of these dimensions.


GROUPING SETS is a way to combine multiple groupings into a single query. This is particularly useful when you need to aggregate data across different sets of columns.


SELECT dept_id, job_title, SUM(sales_amount)
FROM sales
GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((dept_id, job_title), dept_id);

This query will provide total sales by department and job title, as well as by department alone, yielding a comprehensive analysis in a singular output.

Handling NULLs in ROLLUP and CUBE Results

One of the nuances of ROLLUP and CUBE operations is the handling of NULL values which may appear in subtotal and grand total rows. Understanding how to interpret these NULLs is crucial for accurate data analysis.

NULLs in Results Example

SELECT dept_id, job_title, COUNT(*), GROUPING(dept_id), GROUPING(job_title)
FROM employees
GROUP BY CUBE(dept_id, job_title);

The GROUPING function can indicate whether a NULL value in a result set represents an actual NULL in the data or is a marker for a subtotal or grand total row.

Performance Considerations

ROLLOUT and CUBE are powerful, but they can be expensive in terms of performance. It’s important to use them judiciously, especially on large datasets. Indexing, partitioning and optimizing the query can help improve the performance.


PostgreSQL’s ROLLUP and CUBE provide deep insights into data sets through advanced multi-dimensional aggregation. They help in producing detailed reports that can reveal trends and patterns not easily discernable with simple groupings. By mastering these groupings sets functions, you can unlock significant value from your data repositories with nuanced and expansive data analysis.