PostgreSQL: Select a single row by ID/Primary Key

Updated: January 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Selecting a single row in a PostgreSQL database using a primary key or unique identifier is a fundamental operation and a key skill for anyone working with relational databases.

Introduction to SELECT Queries

Before diving into specifics, it’s crucial to understand the basic syntax of a SELECT query in SQL:

SELECT column1, column2 FROM table_name WHERE condition;

To retrieve a single row, your condition will typically involve a primary key or a unique identifier whose values are guaranteed to be different for every row.

The Basics: Selecting By ID

To select a row by its Primary Key (ID), you might use something like this:

SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE id = 1;

This query selects all columns (*) from your_table for the row with an ID of 1.

Understanding Primary Keys

Primary keys are unique identifiers for each row in a table. They can be set manually or automatically via sequences or serial types.

CREATE TABLE your_table (
  column2 datatype,
  column3 datatype

The SERIAL data type automatically increments the identifier for each new row.

Selecting with a Specific Column Set

You might not always need every column:

SELECT column1, column2 FROM your_table WHERE id = 1;

This only fetches the columns you specify for the row with the specified ID.

The Role of Indexes

When dealing with a large dataset, ensuring your ID column is indexed greatly improves the performance:

CREATE INDEX idx_your_table_id ON your_table (id);

Using Prepared Statements

If you’re selecting a row within an application, prepared statements can mitigate SQL injection risks:

PREPARE select_plan (int) AS
SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE id = $1;

EXECUTE select_plan (1);

Here, $1 represents the ID placeholder.

Handling NULL values

NULL indicates the absence of a value. It’s not the same as an empty string or a zero:

SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE your_column IS NULL;

This finds all rows where your_column does not have a value.

Advanced Selection with JOINs

Combining data from multiple tables often involves JOIN operations:

SELECT a.*, b.column_name FROM your_table a
INNER JOIN another_table b ON = b.foreign_key_id
WHERE = 1;

This retrieves a single row from your_table alongside associated data from another_table.

Using Subqueries

Subqueries can refine selections:

SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE id = (SELECT max(id) FROM your_table);

This selects the row with the maximum ID value.


Selecting a single row by its primary key is a simple yet powerful operation in PostgreSQL. Starting with a basic SELECT statement and progressing to more complex queries with subqueries and JOINs, understanding this operation is foundational for database manipulation and data analysis.