PostgreSQL: Selecting Rows Randomly Based on Weight (3 Ways)

Updated: January 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working with databases, there are times when you need not just a random row but a random row selected based on certain weights. This is common in scenarios like creating a weighted lottery system or serving ads with different priorities. PostgreSQL, being one of the most advanced open-source databases, provides several ways to accomplish weighted random selection.

In this tutorial, we’ll explore ways to select rows randomly based on weight in PostgreSQL. We’ll also provide code examples to show these methods in action.

Understanding Weighted Random Selection

Before diving into code, let’s understand what weighted random selection really is. It’s a process where each row has a ‘weight’ associated with it that influences the probability of its selection. Rows with higher weights have a greater chance of being selected compared to those with lower weights.

Method 1: Using the random() Function

The simplest method employs the built-in random() function to simulate weights. Here’s how you can do it:

SELECT your_column
FROM your_table
ORDER BY random() / weight DESC

This query selects one row at random, with chances influenced by the weight column. Rows with higher weights become more likely to appear at the top of the list after the division by the weight.

Method 2: Using Cumulative Weights

Another method involves calculating cumulative weights:

WITH Weighted AS (
        SUM(weight) OVER (ORDER BY your_column) AS cumulative_weight,
        SUM(weight) OVER () AS total_weight
    FROM your_table
SELECT your_column
FROM Weighted
WHERE random() * total_weight < cumulative_weight

This approach is more suitable for scenarios where the random selection needs to happen frequently and the weight of each row doesn’t change often.

Method 3: Using a Custom Function

For more complex scenarios, you can define a function:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION weighted_random_pick() RETURNS your_table.language%TYPE AS $
    picked_row your_table%ROWTYPE;
    WITH RECURSIVE Randomizer AS (
            weight AS cumulative_weight,
            LEAD(weight) OVER (ORDER BY id) AS next_weight
        FROM your_table

        UNION ALL

            r.cumulative_weight + Randomizer.cumulative_weight,
        FROM your_table r, Randomizer
        WHERE Randomizer.next_weight IS NOT NULL AND >
    TotalWeight AS (
        SELECT MAX(cumulative_weight) AS total FROM Randomizer
    SELECT INTO picked_row *
    FROM your_table,
    WHERE = AND random() * total < Randomizer.cumulative_weight
    LIMIT 1;

    RETURN picked_row.your_column;
$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Understanding the above function requires familiarity with recursive CTEs and window functions, which we’ll not cover in this guide. The function will provide better performance if the table size is large and the ‘weight’ field is indexed.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

During weighted random row selection, you might encounter issues such as suboptimal performance with large datasets or unequal distribution of results. To address performance, ensure you’re using indexes effectively, and analyze your queries to understand their execution plans. For distribution issues, review your weighting logic and consider if an alternative method might yield more consistent results.

In practice, it’s important to remember that ‘random’ in databases is pseudo-random, controlled by an algorithm. Nevertheless, with a properly implemented weighted random selection in PostgreSQL, the ‘randomness’ can be statistically fair over many selections.


Selecting rows randomly based on weight might seem daunting at first, but PostgreSQL provides robust tools to handle this operation. The method you choose ultimately depends on your requirements and the characteristics of your application.

Experiment with these methods in a development environment before deploying them to production, and make sure you have proper indexes in place to optimize your queries.