PostgreSQL: Using Arrays in Tables

Updated: January 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Arrays in PostgreSQL provide a versatile way to store and query sets of values within a single column. By harnessing this feature, developers can effectively manage data that naturally fits into a multi-valued format.

Arrays can be powerful when used in the right context but come with unique considerations and challenges. This tutorial will walk you through everything you need to know about using arrays in your PostgreSQL tables, ranging from basic to advanced use cases.

The Basics of Arrays

To start using arrays, you’ll need to understand how to define an array column in a table:

CREATE TABLE example (
    numbers int[]

You can insert data into an array column like this:

INSERT INTO example(numbers) VALUES ('{1,2,3,4}');

Querying array data is also straightforward. For instance, you can select rows that contain a specific element:

SELECT * FROM example WHERE 3 = ANY (numbers);

If you want to add an element to an array, use the array_append function:

UPDATE example SET numbers = array_append(numbers, 5) WHERE id = 1;

Advanced Array Functions

PostgreSQL provides numerous built-in functions to work with arrays. You can, for example, use UNNEST to expand an array into a set of rows:

SELECT UNNEST(numbers) FROM example WHERE id = 1;

To check if an array contains a set of elements, you can use the ‘@>’ operator:

SELECT * FROM example WHERE numbers @> '{2,3}';

You can also achieve complex results with array operators combined with WHERE clauses. The following query will find rows that share any common element with the given array:

SELECT * FROM example WHERE numbers && '{5,6,7}';

Multi-dimensional Arrays

PostgreSQL supports multi-dimensional arrays. Let’s create a table with a two-dimensional array and populate it:

CREATE TABLE multi_example (
    matrix int[][]
INSERT INTO multi_example(matrix) VALUES ('{{1,2,3},{4,5,6}}');

Accessing elements within multi-dimensional arrays requires specifying indexes for each dimension:

SELECT matrix[1][2] FROM multi_example WHERE id = 1;

Constraints and Indexes

Constraints like uniqueness can also be applied to arrays, ensuring that each array in a column does not have duplicates:

CREATE TABLE unique_numbers (
    numbers int[] UNIQUE

To improve the performance of queries involving arrays, you can use GIN indexes:

CREATE INDEX idx_gin_numbers ON example USING GIN(numbers);

Array Aggregation

Aggregating values into an array can be done with the array_agg function:

SELECT array_agg(numbers) FROM example;

Note that array_agg can be especially useful in conjunction with GROUP BY statements for generating summary results.

Remember to consider the potential trade-offs, including increased complexity in query syntax and possible performance impacts, especially with larger arrays or more frequent operations.


Arrays in PostgreSQL offer a compact and efficient way to manage a collection of values. They can streamline many-to-one relationships and support intricate data structures, but it’s critical to use them judiciously to maintain database performance and clarity. This guide has shown you the mechanisms for leveraging PostgreSQL arrays, from the fundamental methods of implementation and querying to more sophisticated manipulation in multi-dimensional contexts.

As you’ve seen, arrays are versatile but come with intricacies that must be carefully navigated. Always profile and test your database when dealing with array types to ensure that they are the right solution for your data modelling needs.