PostgreSQL: Using LEFT JOIN to join multiple tables

Updated: January 5, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Master the LEFT JOIN clause in PostgreSQL by using this guide, which provides a journey from basic examples to more complex scenarios, equipping you to retrieve comprehensive datasets from multiple tables with ease.

When working with relational databases, often there’s a requirement to fetch data from more than one table at a time. In PostgreSQL, the LEFT JOIN clause allows you to query data from multiple tables by joining them on common columns, returning all records from the left table (the first table mentioned) and the matched records from the right table (the second table mentioned), or NULL where there’s no match. Careful use of LEFT JOINs can enable powerful and complex queries that drive modern applications.

Basic LEFT JOIN Usage

Start with a simple example: You have two tables, employees and departments, where each employee is assigned to a department. The goal is to retrieve a list of all employees, including their department names, with the department name as NULL if it does not exist.

SELECT, departments.department_name
FROM employees
LEFT JOIN departments ON employees.department_id =;

This query will return all employees and their respective departments, or NULL for the department name if an employee is not assigned to any department.

JOINing Multiple Tables

Now let’s consider you need to join multiple tables; say you have a third table, projects, that indicates which project an employee is working on. You can string multiple LEFT JOINs together:

SELECT, departments.department_name, projects.project_title
FROM employees
LEFT JOIN departments ON employees.department_id =
LEFT JOIN projects ON employees.project_id =;

This query will show you a holistic view of the employees, their departments, and their projects, with NULL in the respective columns where there is no department or project.

Using LEFT JOIN with WHERE Clause

You can combine LEFT JOINs with a WHERE clause to further filter the results. For instance, if you want only those employees who are working on a certain project:

SELECT, projects.project_title
FROM employees
LEFT JOIN projects ON employees.project_id =
WHERE projects.project_title = 'Project: Redwood';

In cases where the LEFT JOIN returns NULLs, the WHERE clause can filter out those rows, yielding results only where there is a match for the condition specified.

Complex Queries with Aggregate Functions

LEFT JOINs can be especially powerful when used with aggregate functions and GROUP BY clauses. Imagine you need to find the total number of employees in each department:

SELECT departments.department_name, COUNT( AS employee_count
FROM departments
LEFT JOIN employees ON = employees.department_id
GROUP BY departments.department_name;

This would give you a list of all departments, including those without any employees, assigning a count of zero to them.

Performance Considerations

While LEFT JOINs are incredibly useful, they can impact performance when misused or when joining massive tables. It’s important to ensure that the joining columns are indexed, and to avoid unnecessary complexity in your queries. Analyze and explain your queries to spot potential inefficiencies.

Advanced Usage: LEFT JOIN with Subqueries

In advanced applications, you might need to LEFT JOIN a table with a result set from a subquery. Here’s an example where a subquery is used:

SELECT, department_info.department_data
FROM employees
    SELECT, departments.department_name || ', ' || locations.location AS department_data
    FROM departments
    LEFT JOIN locations ON departments.location_id =
) AS department_info ON employees.department_id =;

This joins the employees to a composite string of department names and their locations, showcasing the flexibility of LEFT JOIN with subqueries.

Using Aliases for Clarity

Aliases can simplify your SQL and make it more understandable by providing short, meaningful identifiers:

SELECT AS employee_name, dept.department_name AS dept_name
FROM employees AS emp
LEFT JOIN departments AS dept ON emp.department_id =;

Alias usage makes large queries more readable and helps handle scenarios where tables have columns with the same name.


The PostgreSQL LEFT JOIN clause is a fundamental tool in querying multiple tables. This tutorial has taken you through its basic uses, touched on performance considerations, and ventured into advanced techniques like subqueries. Embracing LEFT JOIN opens up a world of possibilities for shaping and retrieving the exact data your applications need.