PostgreSQL: Using OFFSET and LIMIT for Pagination

Updated: January 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


This tutorial covers the implementation of pagination in PostgreSQL using OFFSET and LIMIT clauses. You’ll learn how to query a subset of data effectively for use in web applications or any paginated interface.

Basics of LIMIT and OFFSET

In PostgreSQL, LIMIT is used to constrain the number of rows returned, and OFFSET is used to specify the number of rows to skip before starting to return rows. When combined, these clauses can effectively paginate through a dataset.

SELECT * FROM your_table

This SQL snippet tells PostgreSQL to return a maximum of 10 records starting from the 21st record (assuming the record count starts at 1).

Implementing Basic Pagination

To paginate through a table called products, you’d calculate the offset based on the current page number your user is on.

SELECT * FROM products
LIMIT 10 OFFSET (current_page - 1) * 10;

Here, if current_page is set to 3, the query will skip the first 20 records and return the next 10.

Example with Actual Values

SELECT * FROM products

This will get the third page of results in a system where each page shows 10 items.

Using Variables for Dynamic Pagination

In a programming environment, you might define variables to hold the limit and offset values. Here’s how that might look in a server-side language like Python that connects to PostgreSQL:

page_size = 10
current_page = 3
offset = (current_page - 1) * page_size

query = f"SELECT * FROM products LIMIT {page_size} OFFSET {offset};"

This approach allows for dynamic pagination by altering the current_page variable.

Counting Overall Results

When paginating, it’s also useful to know the total number of available records so you can display this information and calculate the total number of pages.

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM products;

This query returns the total number of products, which can be used alongside the pagination queries.

Improving Performance with Indexes

As your data grows, pagination queries can start to slow down. Adding indexes to your table can significantly improve query performance, particularly for large data sets.

CREATE INDEX idx_products_on_some_column ON products(some_column);

Ensure you replace some_column with the column names you frequently use for searching and sorting.

Avoiding OFFSET for Performance

An alternative method to paginate without using OFFSET is to remember the last item on the previous page and then use a WHERE clause to start from the next item.

SELECT * FROM products
WHERE id > last_seen_id

This is particularly effective for large datasets because it avoids the performance hit that comes with counting rows to determine the offset.

Advanced Pagination Techniques

Keyset pagination, or cursor-based pagination, is where records are retrieved by comparing them to a unique, sequentially ordered key (like an autoincrementing ID).

SELECT * FROM products
WHERE id > last_max_id

This avoids OFFSET and can lead to better performance for deep pagination.

Dealing with Large Offsets

For very large datasets, using LIMIT and OFFSET may become inefficient. Instead, consider using conditional query clauses that filter the dataset more selectively.

Pagination with JOINs

When using joins, pagination can be tricky because the ORDER BY that works for the main table might not work across multiple joined tables. Make sure to use an ORDER BY clause that uniquely defines the order of the resulting dataset.

SELECT p.* FROM products p
JOIN manufacturers m ON p.manufacturer_id =

This ensures the joined tables don’t cause duplicate rows in your result set, which can confuse pagination.


In summary, LIMIT and OFFSET are essential tools for implementing pagination in PostgreSQL. While they provide an easy way to break the data into manageable chunks, it’s important to be aware of performance implications and consider alternative methods for large datasets. Effective use of pagination will improve both the user experience and the efficiency of your database queries.