PostgreSQL vs MongoDB: Which is for scale and speed?

Updated: January 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Choosing between PostgreSQL and MongoDB for scaling and speed could depend on your project’s needs.

Overview of PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL is an advanced, open-source object-relational database management system (ORDBMS). It supports a range of data types, extensive features, and complies with SQL standards. With PostgreSQL, you get the benefits of a community-driven system that has stood the test of time, offering rich functionality with support for complex queries and transaction integrity.

Overview of MongoDB

MongoDB, on the other hand, is a leading NoSQL database, known for its document-oriented storage, high performance, high availability, and easy scalability. It uses BSON (Binary JSON) format to store data, making it a perfect fit for applications expecting to handle a massive volume of data with diverse structures. As a NoSQL database, MongoDB can handle large volumes of unstructured data and it is optimized for speed, making it a go-to for modern web applications.


When considering performance, both databases can be incredibly efficient given the right conditions:

Speed for simple queriesFastFaster
Speed for complex queriesVery Fast (with proper indexing and optimization)Variable (depends on query complexity and index usage)
AggregationAdvanced (with SQL operations)Simple (with Aggregation Pipeline or MapReduce)


Databases need to scale in order to respond to increasing demands, throughput, and data size:

Vertical ScalabilityGoodGood
Horizontal ScalabilityLimitedExcellent (built-in sharding)
Read-Write SplitsSupported (with replication)Native Support

Database Structure

Whether you should use a SQL-based system like PostgreSQL or a NoSQL option like MongoDB may be influenced by your application’s data structure:

Database TypeAdvantage
PostgreSQL (SQL)Well-suited for applications requiring complex joins, transactions, and traditional relational databases.
MongoDB (NoSQL)Ideal for dynamic schemas and unstructured data, rapid development, and horizontal scaling.

Data Consistency vs Availability

Consistency and availability of data are often at odds. PostgreSQL and MongoDB approach this balance differently:

PostgreSQLStrong consistencyLimited by vertical scaling
MongoDBEventual consistency (tunable)High availability through replication and sharding

Complex Transactions

ACID transactions are critical for financial, e-commerce applications, and others that require a high degree of integrity. PostgreSQL’s ACID compliance versus MongoDB’s eventual consistency model could impact your choice here:

DatabaseACID Compliant
MongoDBRecent updates have extended ACID transaction capabilities, though not traditionally its strong suit

Community Support and Ecosystem

Both databases have strong communities and are well-documented, making them accessible for new users and experienced developers alike:

DatabaseCommunity Support
PostgreSQLStrong, with a long history
MongoDBRobust, with abundant modern resources

Json Handling

One of the modern application development needs is the storage and retrieval of JSON data. Each database has its ways to handle JSON:

DatabaseJSON Handling
PostgreSQLSupports JSON types and functions, can be queried like a traditional database
MongoDBNative JSON-like BSON storage, very suitable for document models and hierarchical data structures

Query Language

The choice of query language can be significant depending on your team’s expertise:

DatabaseQuery Language
PostgreSQLStructured Query Language (SQL)
MongoDBJSON-like query language

Final Words

For scale and speed, the right database choice can vary. Examine your project’s specific needs to make an informed decision.