PyMongo error: Exceeded memory limit for $group, but didn’t allow external sort.

Updated: February 12, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

When working with large datasets in MongoDB using PyMongo, the Exceeded memory limit for $group, but didn’t allow external sort error is a common stumbling block that many developers face. This error typically arises during aggregation operations, particularly with the $group stage, when the memory consumed exceeds the default limit set by MongoDB. Let’s delve into why this error occurs and explore several strategies to resolve it.

Understanding the Error

This error is primarily a protection mechanism in MongoDB to avoid over-usage of RAM during intensive operations like grouping. By default, MongoDB has a 100MB memory limit for each aggregation operation. If this limit is breached, and if the operation isn’t allowed to use disk storage for overflow, the mentioned error is triggered.

Solution 1: Enable allowDiskUse Option

A straightforward way to overcome this limitation is by enabling the allowDiskUse option during your aggregation pipeline execution. This allows MongoDB to use disk storage for operations exceeding the RAM limit.

Implementation Steps:

  1. Construct your aggregation pipeline.
  2. Add the allowDiskUse=True parameter to your aggregate function call.

Code Example:

from pymongo import MongoClient

# Connect to MongoDB
client = MongoClient('mongodb_uri')

db = client.test_database

collection = db.test_collection

pipeline = [
    { '$group': {
        '_id': "$your_grouping_key",
        'total': { '$sum': 1 }

results = collection.aggregate(pipeline, allowDiskUse=True)

for doc in results:

Notes: This is the most direct method to fix the error, but using disk storage can lead to slower query execution times compared to operations entirely in RAM.

Solution 2: Optimize Your Aggregation Pipeline

By restructuring or optimizing your aggregation pipeline, you can reduce memory consumption. This can involve filtering documents early in the pipeline or using $project to limit the fields passed through the pipeline.

Implementation Steps:

  1. Analyze your current aggregation pipeline for optimization opportunities.
  2. Implement changes such as introducing $match stages early or using $project to limit fields.
  3. Test the optimized pipeline to ensure it meets your requirements.

Notes: This approach not only helps mitigate the mentioned error but can also improve overall performance by reducing the workload on your MongoDB server. However, it requires a deep understanding of your data and the aggregation framework.

Solution 3: Increment the Memory Limit

Solution Description: For MongoDB deployments that support it, increasing the memory limit for the MongoDB server could be a solution. However, this approach requires access to the server configuration and may not be feasible for all environments.

Notes: This solution should be considered carefully, as it affects all operations on the MongoDB server. It could lead to increased hardware requirements and costs.


Dealing with the Exceeded memory limit for $group, but didn’t allow external sort error in PyMongo requires a combination of understanding the operational limitations, optimizing code, and potentially adjusting system configurations. While enabling allowDiskUse is a straightforward fix, optimizing the aggregation pipeline can provide a more efficient and long-lasting solution. In some cases, adjusting server configurations may be necessary, but such decisions should be weighed against the potential increase in operational expenses.