PyMongo: Find results within a specific area (geospatial queries)

Updated: February 8, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Querying data based on geographical location has become a staple in applications that range from location-based services to complex geographic condition qualifications. MongoDB’s geospatial querying capabilities allow developers to perform these sophisticated queries with relative ease. Leveraging PyMongo, Python’s driver for MongoDB, these capabilities become accessible within a Pythonic context, making geospatial queries both powerful and intuitive.

This tutorial will guide you through the basics of geospatial queries in MongoDB using PyMongo, from setting up your database to executing advanced geospatial queries. By the end, you’ll be able to efficiently query documents based on geographic locations within your Python applications.


  • MongoDB server installed and running
  • PyMongo installed in your Python environment (pip install pymongo)
  • Basic knowledge of Python and MongoDB

Getting Started

First, ensure that your MongoDB server is up and running and that PyMongo is installed. We’ll start by establishing a connection to a MongoDB database and creating a collection with geospatial data.

from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')
db = client['geo_test']
collection = db['places']

Next, let’s insert some geospatial data into our collection. In MongoDB, geospatial data is typically stored using the GeoJSON format. Here’s how you can insert a document with a location field:

location_data = {
  'name': 'Central Park',
  'location': {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [-73.9654, 40.7829]}

Creating a Geospatial Index

To efficiently query geospatial data, you need to create a geospatial index on the field that contains the location data. For a 2D point, such as the one in our example, you would create a ‘2dsphere’ index:

collection.create_index([('location', '2dsphere')])

Basic Geospatial Queries

With our data and index in place, we can start querying our collection based on location. The simplest geospatial query is finding documents within a certain distance from a point.

from bson.son import SON

# Define our point of interest
poi = {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [-73.9654, 40.7829]}

# Build the query
query = {
  '$near': {
    '$geometry': poi,
    '$maxDistance': 5000,

# Execute the query
results = collection.find({'location': query})
for result in results:

Advanced Geospatial Queries

Moving into more advanced territory, MongoDB supports querying for documents within specific geometric shapes, such as polygons. This can be useful for defining custom areas that don’t conform to simple radius-based searches.

# Define a polygon (e.g., a custom city district)
polygon = {
  'type': 'Polygon',
  'coordinates': [[[100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0], [100.0, 1.0], [100.0, 0.0]]]

# Build the query using $geoWithin
query = {'location': {'$geoWithin': {'$geometry': polygon}}}

# Execute the query
documents = collection.find(query)

for doc in documents:

Analyzing Results

The output from the previous code snippet will list all documents located within 5 kilometers of Central Park. This level of querying is already powerful, allowing for quick and efficient data retrieval based on geographic vicinity.


PyMongo offers an accessible and powerful way to perform geospatial queries in MongoDB. Starting with basic proximity searches and moving to more complex queries within custom shapes can vastly improve the functionality and user experience of your applications. As you’ve seen through this tutorial, implementing geospatial queries in MongoDB using PyMongo is not only possible but relatively straightforward, enabling a wide range of applications that leverage geographic data.