PyMongo: How to check if a collection exists

Updated: February 12, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Working with MongoDB through PyMongo in Python provides a dynamic and powerful way to store, manage, and query data. However, before diving into database operations, it’s crucial to ensure that the specific collection you’re targeting exists within your MongoDB database. This article will guide you through various methods to check if a collection exists in MongoDB using PyMongo, starting from basic approaches to more advanced techniques.

Setup and Initial Considerations

Before we delve into checking for collection existence, ensure you have PyMongo installed and properly configured to connect to your MongoDB instance. Here’s a quick setup:

from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')
db = client['your_database_name']

Replace 'your_database_name' with the name of your database.

Basic Method: Using list_collection_names

One of the simplest ways to check if a collection exists is to use the list_collection_names method, which returns a list of collection names in the specified database.

collections = db.list_collection_names()
if 'my_collection' in collections:
    print("Collection exists.")
    print("Collection does not exist.")

This method is straightforward and effective for most needs.

Checking with command

For a more in-depth check, you can use the command method with the listCollections command. This approach provides additional information about each collection, such as its size and index information.

collection_info = db.command('listCollections')
collection_names = [col['name'] for col in collection_info['cursor']['firstBatch']]
if 'my_collection' in collection_names:
    print("Collection exists.")
    print("Collection does not exist.")

This method is more advanced and gives a deeper insight into the database’s structure.

Advanced Method: Using collection_names with Filters

If you’re working with a large number of collections and need a more efficient way to check for a specific collection’s existence, you can apply filters directly within the list_collection_names method.

if 'my_collection' in db.list_collection_names(filter={'name': 'my_collection'}):
    print("Collection exists.")
    print("Collection does not exist.")

This method is particularly useful when dealing with large datasets or when you need to check for collections adhering to specific naming patterns.

Checking Existence Using Collection Objects

Another approach to verify if a collection exists is by attempting to access it directly and catching any exceptions that might indicate its absence.

    print("Collection exists.")
except Exception as e:
    print("Collection does not exist or an error occurred: ", e)

This method directly interacts with the collection and can be used to not only check for its existence but also validate its accessibility and operational status.

Why Checking Collection Existence Matters

Ensuring a collection exists before performing operations prevents errors and ensures data integrity. It facilitates smooth database operations, especially in dynamic environments where collections may be created or deleted based on application requirements.


Checking if a collection exists in MongoDB using PyMongo is a fundamental step that ensures robust and error-free database operations. Whether you prefer a straightforward method like list_collection_names or a more detailed approach using command, PyMongo offers the flexibility to suit various application needs. Always verify collection existence to prevent unexpected errors and maintain data consistency within your applications.