PyMongo: How to count documents based on a condition

Updated: February 7, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In the world of data management and web development, MongoDB is a name that stands out for its efficiency in storing and managing document-oriented information. PyMongo, the Python distribution containing tools for working with MongoDB, offers developers a powerful toolkit for interacting with MongoDB databases. This tutorial will guide you through the process of counting documents in a MongoDB collection based on various conditions using PyMongo, starting from basic concepts and gradually moving to more advanced techniques.


Before we delve into the specifics of counting documents, ensure you have the following setup:

  • Python installed on your system (Version 3.6 or higher is recommended).
  • PyMongo installed. You can install it using pip: pip install pymongo.
  • Access to a MongoDB database. If you do not have one, you can set up a local instance or use MongoDB Atlas for a cloud-based solution.

Basic Counting

First, let’s cover how to count all documents in a collection. This is the most straightforward operation and serves as a good starting point.

from pymongo import MongoClient

# Connect to the MongoDB client
client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')

# Select the database and collection
db = client['mydatabase']
collection = db['mycollection']

# Count all documents in the collection
total_docs = collection.count_documents({})
print("Total documents in the collection:", total_docs)

This code snippet connects to the MongoDB database, selects a specific collection, and counts all documents within it, printing the total count.

Counting Based on a Condition

Moving a step forward, you can count documents based on specific conditions. Let’s say you want to count all documents where the “status” is “active”.

active_docs = collection.count_documents({"status": "active"})
print("Active documents:", active_docs)

This will output the number of documents that meet the condition.

Using Complex Queries

PyMongo allows for more complex queries using operators like $gt, $lt, and more. Here’s how to count documents based on more specific conditions.

# Count documents where 'age' is greater than 25
docs_over_25 = collection.count_documents({"age": {"$gt": 25}})
print("Documents where age is greater than 25:", docs_over_25)

You can combine multiple conditions to refine your search further.

# Count documents where 'age' is between 20 and 30 inclusive
docs_20_to_30 = collection.count_documents({"age": {"$gte": 20, "$lte": 30}})
print("Documents with age between 20 and 30:", docs_20_to_30)

Counting with Aggregation

For more advanced use cases, the aggregation framework provides a potent tool for processing data and counting documents based on specific conditions and criteria. Here’s an example that counts documents by status.

# Use aggregation to count documents by status
pipeline = [
    {"$group": {"_id": "$status", "count": {"$sum": 1}}},

status_counts = list(collection.aggregate(pipeline))

for status_count in status_counts:
    print("Status:", status_count['_id'], "- Count:", status_count['count'])

The aggregation pipeline groups documents by the “status” field and then counts the number of documents in each group. The output will show counts categorized by the status.

Index-specific Counts

You might also need to perform condition-based counts on collections with large data sets or specialized indexes. Although direct support for index-specific counting is not readily available via PyMongo’s API, understanding the underlying indexes and designing your queries efficiently can significantly impact performance, especially on large collections.


Understanding how to count documents based on a condition is a fundamental aspect of working with MongoDB using PyMongo. Starting from straightforward total document counts to more complex condition-based and aggregated counts, PyMongo offers versatile solutions for data querying and management. By mastering these techniques, developers can efficiently manage and interrogate large datasets, making the most out of MongoDB’s powerful document-oriented database system.