PyMongo: How to create/drop indexes

Updated: February 8, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


PyMongo is a popular Python distribution containing tools for working with MongoDB, and one of the key features when optimizing your MongoDB database is the management of indexes. Indexes support the efficient execution of queries and are crucial for achieving high performance. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to create and drop indexes using PyMongo, with plenty of code examples from basic to advanced use cases.


  • Python 3.x installed
  • PyMongo installed (pip install pymongo)
  • Access to a MongoDB instance

Understanding Indexes in MongoDB

Before diving into code, it’s essential to understand that indexes in MongoDB are special data structures that store a small portion of the collection’s data in an easy-to-traverse form. They improve the speed of search operations significantly at the cost of additional storage space and slightly slower write operations.

Creating Indexes

Let’s start with the basics of creating indexes. You do this by using the create_index() method of a collection object in PyMongo.

from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient('your_connection_string')
db = client['your_database_name']
collection = db['your_collection_name']

index_name = collection.create_index([('fieldname', 1)])
print(f'Created index: {index_name}')

This code snippet creates an ascending index on ‘fieldname’. The ‘1’ indicates an ascending order, whereas ‘-1’ would indicate a descending order.

Compound Indexes

You can also create compound indexes that span multiple fields. This is useful for optimizing queries that filter or sort based on multiple criteria.

compound_index = collection.create_index([('field1', 1), ('field2', -1)])
print(f'Compound index created: {compound_index}')

This creates a compound index that first sorts by “field1” in ascending order and then by “field2” in descending order.

Index Options

In addition to specifying the fields for the index, PyMongo allows you to set a variety of options, such as uniqueness, name, and expiration for time-to-live (TTL) indexes.

unique_index = collection.create_index([('unique_field', 1)], unique=True)
print(f'Unique index created: {unique_index}')

TTL_index = collection.create_index([('date_field', 1)], expireAfterSeconds=3600)
print(f'TTL index created: {TTL_index}')

The options unique=True and expireAfterSeconds=3600 ensure that duplicate values cannot exist for “unique_field” and that documents with “date_field” will be automatically deleted after an hour, respectively.

Dropping Indexes

While indexes are beneficial, there can be scenarios where you might need to drop them, either because they’re no longer needed or you want to create a new index configuration. Dropping indexes in PyMongo is straightforward.

print('Index dropped successfully.')

To drop all indexes except the default _id index, you can use:

print('All indexes dropped except for _id.')

Managing Index Builds

In environments where the database contains a large amount of data, building indexes can impact database performance. MongoDB allows creating indexes in the background, and this option can be specified in PyMongo as well.

background_index = collection.create_index([('fieldname', 1)], background=True)
print(f'Background index created: {background_index}')

This index build will run in the background, allowing other database operations to proceed without waiting for the index creation to complete.

Listing Current Indexes

It’s also helpful to know how to list all indexes on a collection for review or verification purposes. Here’s how you can achieve this:

indexes = collection.list_indexes()
for index in indexes:

This will print out the details of each index on your collection, including its name, keys, and options.

Index Management

For more complex scenarios, such as managing index builds on sharded collections or dealing with large datasets, it’s important to consider the impact on overall application performance and plan index management activities accordingly.


In this tutorial, we’ve covered the basics of creating and dropping indexes with PyMongo, including compound, unique, and TTL indexes. Proper index management is vital for optimizing your MongoDB database’s performance. As you become more familiar with MongoDB and PyMongo, you’ll be better equipped to fine-tune your database to suit your application’s needs.