PyMongo: How to find documents by a list of values

Updated: February 8, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Working with MongoDB in Python through PyMongo offers a variety of methods to query documents. One common requirement is to find documents where a certain field matches any value within a provided list. This capability is crucial for scenarios where you have a set of identifiers or characteristics, and you wish to retrieve all documents that match any item from this set. This tutorial will guide you step by step on how to achieve this, starting with basic examples and moving towards more advanced use cases.

Before we dive into the examples, ensure you have MongoDB installed and PyMongo added to your Python environment. You can install PyMongo by running pip install pymongo in your terminal.


First, establish a connection to your MongoDB instance:

from pymongo import MongoClient
# Connect to the default host and port
client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')
# Accessing the database
mydb = client['mydatabase']

Basic Query: Finding Documents with a Single Value

As a warm-up, let’s start with the most straightforward case: finding documents based on a single value in a field. This will set the base for querying with a list of values.

mycollection = mydb['mycollection']
result = mycollection.find_one({'field_name': 'value'})
if result:
    print("No document matches the provided value.")

Finding Documents by a List of Values

Now, let’s move to finding documents by providing a list of values. You can use the $in operator in your query to specify an array of possible values to match against a field.

mycollection = mydb['mycollection']
query = {'field_name': {'$in': ['value1', 'value2', 'value3']}}
results = mycollection.find(query)

for document in results:

This query will return all documents where field_name matches any of the values in the list [‘value1’, ‘value2’, ‘value3’].

Advanced Use Cases

PyMongo and MongoDB offer flexibility to not only find documents based on a list of simple values but also to execute more complex queries. Here are some advanced use cases:

Combining $in with Other Operators

It’s possible to combine the $in operator with other MongoDB query operators for more refined searches. For example, if you want to find documents where field_name matches any value in the list and another field field_name2 is greater than a certain value, you can do the following:

query = {
    'field_name': {'$in': ['value1', 'value2', 'value3']},
    'field_name2': {'$gt': 20}
results = mycollection.find(query)

for document in results:

Using $in with Embedded Documents

Another powerful feature is querying arrays or embedded documents. If you have documents where a field is an array or embedded document, you can use $in to find documents where at least one element of the array or one property of the embedded document matches any value in your list.

query = {'array_field': {'$in': ['value_in_array1', 'value_in_array2']}}
results = mycollection.find(query)

for document in results:

Dynamic Value Lists

Often, the list of values you’re searching for is not static. In such cases, dynamically generating the query list allows for flexible searching:

values_for_search = ['dynamicValue1', 'dynamicValue2', 'dynamicValue3']
query = {'field_name': {'$in': values_for_search}}
results = mycollection.find(query)

for document in results:


PyMongo provides powerful and flexible tools for querying MongoDB documents by lists of values. Starting from basic searches using the $in operator, we’ve explored how to handle more complex queries, combining multiple conditions and working with dynamic lists. Understanding these patterns can significantly enhance your ability to work with large datasets in MongoDB.

Remember, the key is to structure your queries to not only be accurate but also efficient, leveraging MongoDB’s indexing and query optimization features wherever possible.