PyMongo: How to select/count distinct documents

Updated: February 8, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In this tutorial, we will delve deep into using PyMongo, a Python distribution containing tools for working with MongoDB. Our focus will be on how to select and count distinct documents within a collection. MongoDB, a NoSQL database, provides a rich query language that supports operations like counting and selecting distinct items, crucial for data analysis, data reporting, and many other tasks.

Before diving into specifics, ensure you have MongoDB installed and running on your machine, along with PyMongo, which can be installed using pip:

pip install pymongo

Let’s start with the basics and gradually move to more advanced examples, providing outputs where applicable.

Establishing a Connection

from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')
mydatabase = client['exampledb']
mycollection = mydatabase['examples']

This block of code sets up the connection to our MongoDB database host on the default port and selects an example database and collection to work with.

Basic Distinct Query

One of the most common tasks is eliminating duplicate values from your query results. In MongoDB, this is achieved using the distinct method. Here’s how to use it:

unique_items = mycollection.distinct('itemName')

This query will return all the distinct values in the ‘itemName’ field of the documents in your collection.

Counting Distinct Documents

To count distinct documents based on a key, use the count_documents method combined with a projection to isolate the distinct key. For example:

distinct_count = mycollection.count_documents({'itemName': {'$exists': True}}, projection={'itemName': True})

This will output the count of documents having a unique ‘itemName’ field.

Using Aggregation for Advanced Distinct Selection

The aggregation framework in MongoDB provides a more powerful and flexible way of working with distinct values, especially when you need to select distinct documents based on multiple fields or conditions. Here’s an example:

agg_result = mycollection.aggregate([
    {'$group': {'_id': '$itemName', 'uniqueIds': {'$addToSet': '$_id'}}},
    {'$count': 'distinctItemNames'}

for result in agg_result:

This aggregation pipeline groups documents by ‘itemName’, collects their IDs into a set to ensure uniqueness, and then counts the distinct ‘itemName’ values.

Selecting Distinct Documents with Conditions

Sometimes, you might want to select distinct items based on a certain condition. For this, you can combine the distinct operation with a query. For example:

distinct_active_items = mycollection.distinct('itemName', {'status': 'active'})

This code retrieves distinct ‘itemName’ values where the ‘status’ field is set to ‘active’.

Performance Considerations

While MongoDB’s distinct operations are powerful, they can be resource-intensive, especially on large datasets. Ensure you have appropriate indexes in place to support your queries. Besides, consider the amount of data being transferred over the network, and if necessary, limit the fields returned by your query or aggregation to only those needed.


PyMongo provides a Pythonic way to interact with MongoDB, making tasks like selecting and counting distinct documents straightforward. Whether through simple queries or the aggregation framework, understanding how to efficiently retrieve distinct values from your MongoDB collections can greatly improve your data analysis capabilities. Remember, though, to always consider performance and work within the capabilities of your system. Happy coding!