PyMongo: Query and update documents based on nested fields

Updated: February 8, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


MongoDB is a powerful NoSQL database widely used for its flexibility, performance, and scalability. Working with MongoDB from Python is made easier with the PyMongo library, which allows Python applications to connect to MongoDB and perform various operations. In this tutorial, we will focus on how to query and update documents based on nested fields using PyMongo.

Setting Up

Before diving into the operations, ensure you have MongoDB and PyMongo installed. If not, you can install PyMongo by running:

pip install pymongo

To begin, let’s set up a connection to a MongoDB database:

from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')
db = client['mydatabase']
collection = db['mycollection']

Note that you need to replace ‘mydatabase’ and ‘mycollection’ with your database and collection names.

Basic Query on Nested Fields

Nested fields refer to documents that have fields containing documents themselves, resembling a nested structure. Querying based on these nested fields can be a bit trickier than querying simple fields. Here’s how to do it:

query = {'': 'New York'}
results = collection.find(query)
for doc in results:

In the above code, we query documents where the nested field ‘city’ within the ‘address’ field equals ‘New York’. This operation returns all matching documents.

Updating Nested Fields

Updating documents that contain nested fields can also be accomplished with ease using PyMongo. Here’s an example of how to update a nested field:

update_query = {'': 'New York'}
new_values = {'$set': {'address.street': '5th Avenue'}}
collection.update_many(update_query, new_values)

This code updates the ‘street’ field within the ‘address’ document for all records where the ‘city’ is ‘New York’, setting it to ‘5th Avenue’.

Advanced Query Techniques

For more complex queries, MongoDB offers the aggregation framework, which allows for data processing pipelines. Here’s a basic example of using aggregation to query nested fields:

pipeline = [
    {'$match': {'': 'New York'}},
    {'$project': {'name': 1, 'address.street': 1}}
results = collection.aggregate(pipeline)
for doc in results:

This pipeline filters documents by the city ‘New York’ and then projects (i.e., selects) the name and street within the address.

Deeply Nested Documents

When working with deeply nested documents, it’s crucial to precisely target the field you wish to query or update. For querying deeply nested fields, use dot notation to traverse the hierarchy:

query = {'': '1234'}
results = collection.find(query)
for doc in results:

This query selects documents where the ‘code’ field inside a deeply nested structure equals ‘1234’.

Updating Arrays within Nested Fields

MongoDB documents often contain arrays within nested fields. Modifying these arrays involves operators like ‘$push’ for adding elements, ‘$pull’ for removing elements, and ‘$addToSet’ for adding elements without creating duplicates. Here is an example of adding an item to an array within a nested document:

update_query = {'name': 'John Doe'}
new_values = {'$push': {'address.visits': {'date': '2023-01-01', 'city': 'Boston'}}}
collection.update_one(update_query, new_values)

This operation adds a new visit to the ‘visits’ array within the ‘address’ field of documents that match the person named ‘John Doe’.


Querying and updating documents based on nested fields in MongoDB using PyMongo can initially seem daunting. However, with the right examples and a bit of practice, these operations become straightforward. Whether you’re working with simple nested structures or deeply nested documents, PyMongo offers the functionality needed to efficiently interact with your data. Embrace these techniques to make the most out of your MongoDB database.