PyMongo: Saving and Querying Location Data (Latitude, Longitude)

Updated: February 8, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Managing geospatial data efficiently in MongoDB with PyMongo can elevate the functionality of location-based services, making it essential for developers to understand the intricacies of saving and querying location data. This tutorial will walk you through the process of dealing with latitude and longitude data in MongoDB using PyMongo, MongoDB’s Python driver, from the basic steps of setting up your environment to more advanced querying techniques.

Setup and Initial Considerations

Before diving into the handling of location data, let’s set up our environment. Ensure you have MongoDB installed and running on your machine. You will also need to install PyMongo, which can be easily done using pip:

pip install pymongo

Once installed, you can connect to your MongoDB database:

from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')
db = client['geo_db']

For storing and querying location data, MongoDB supports GeoJSON objects which include points (e.g., for storing individual locations) and other shapes like polygons (useful for mapping areas). Here’s how to store a point:

Storing Location Data

location_data = {
	'type': 'Feature',
	'geometry': {
		'type': 'Point',
		'coordinates': [-73.856077, 40.848447]
	'properties': {
		'name': 'Lehman College'

Basic Location Queries

To start querying our location data, we first need to ensure our collection is geospatially indexed. This can be accomplished by:

db.locations.create_index([('geometry', '2dsphere')])

With the index in place, we can perform basic proximity searches. For example, to find locations within 5 kilometers of a specific point:

query = {
	'geometry': {
		'$near': {
			'$geometry': {
				'type': 'Point',
				'coordinates': [-73.856077, 40.848447]
			'$maxDistance': 5000
results = db.locations.find(query)
for result in results:

Advanced Geospatial Queries

For more advanced use cases, MongoDB and PyMongo offer a variety of querying options. Let’s explore a scenario where we want to find a location within a specific area delineated by multiple points (defining a polygon). First, we must insert some more location data to demonstrate:

additional_locations = [{
	'type': 'Feature',
	'geometry': {
		'type': 'Point',
		'coordinates': [-73.965355, 40.782865]
	'properties': {
		'name': 'Central Park'
}, {
	'type': 'Feature',
	'geometry': {
		'type': 'Point',
		'coordinates': [-74.007124, 40.743287]
	'properties': {
		'name': 'One World Trade Center'

To query locations within a specific polygon, we define our polygon coordinates and construct the query:

polygon = {
	'type': 'Polygon',
	'coordinates': [[
		[-73.973057, 40.764356], 
		[-73.981898, 40.768107], 
		[-73.958207, 40.800621], 
		[-73.949215, 40.796853], 
		[-73.973057, 40.764356]
query = {
	'geometry': {
		'$geoWithin': {
			'$geometry': polygon
results = db.locations.find(query)
for result in results:


This tutorial has provided a comprehensive overview of saving and querying location data in MongoDB using PyMongo, from simple point insertions to advanced spatial queries. By following the outlined steps and examples, you should now be equipped to efficiently manage location-based data within your applications, enhancing their usefulness and user engagement.