PyMongo ValueError: update only works with $ operators

Updated: February 8, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Error

When working with PyMongo, a popular MongoDB driver for Python, developers might occasionally encounter the ValueError: update only works with $ operators. This error is a direct indication that the update operation is being performed incorrectly, typically due to a misunderstanding of MongoDB’s update document structure. In this guide, we’ll explore the reasons behind this error and walk through several solutions to resolve it effectively.

The Causes

This error occurs because MongoDB expects all update operations (except for replaceOne) to utilize update operators, which are prefixed with a dollar sign ($). When an update query is issued without these operators, MongoDB cannot interpret the intended modifications, leading to the error.

Solution 1: Use Update Operators

The most straightforward solution is to ensure that your update document contains valid MongoDB update operators.

  1. Review the update document.
  2. Identify the fields to be updated and prepend them with the appropriate $ operator, such as $set, $inc, or $push.
  3. Execute the update operation again.

Code Example:

from pymongo import MongoClient

collection = MongoClient()["mydatabase"]["mycollection"]

collection.update_one({"_id": ObjectId("507f191e810c19729de860ea")}, {'$set': {"fieldName": "newValue"}})

Notes: Using update operators not only resolves this particular error but also provides more granular control over the update process. It’s essential to understand the purpose of each operator to use them effectively.

Solution 2: Replace Document Instead

If your intention is to replace the entire document rather than updating specific fields, use replace_one operation which doesn’t require $ operators.

  1. Gather the replacement document. Ensure it reflects the new state of the document.
  2. Use the replace_one method with the filter and the new document.

Code Example:

from pymongo import MongoClient

collection = MongoClient()["mydatabase"]["mycollection"]

replacementDocument = {"fieldName": "newValue", "newField": "value"}
collection.replace_one({"_id": ObjectId("507f191e810c19729de860ea")}, replacementDocument)

Notes: This approach is useful for complete overhauls of a document but lacks the nuance of field-specific updates. It’s a more destructive operation since it replaces the entire document.

Final Thoughts

Understanding MongoDB’s requirement for $ operators in update queries is crucial for avoiding the ValueError: update only works with $ operators. By following the outlined solutions, developers can ensure their applications interact with MongoDB efficiently and error-free. Learning to properly utilize update operators can significantly enhance the functionality and performance of database operations.