Python: Convert callback-based functions to async functions

Updated: February 11, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Welcome to this comprehensive guide on converting callback-based functions to async functions in Python. With the advent of asyncio in Python 3.4, it’s become increasingly important for developers to understand asynchronous programming to write more efficient and scalable code. This tutorial aims to help Python developers navigate the shift from callback-based functions, which have been a traditional part of event-driven programming, to the modern async/await pattern introduced in Python 3.5.

Understanding Callbacks and Async/Await

Before we dive into converting functions, it’s crucial to understand the difference between callbacks and async/await. A callback function is a function passed into another function as an argument, which is then invoked inside the outer function to complete some kind of routine or action. However, heavy reliance on callbacks can lead to deeply nested code, often referred to as “callback hell.”

On the other hand, the async/await syntax in Python allows us to write asynchronous code that looks and behaves a bit more like synchronous code, making it easier to read and maintain.

Example of Simple Callback Function

def data_processing_success(result):
    print(f"Data processed: {result}")

def data_processing_error(error):
    print(f"Error: {error}")

 def process_data(callback_success, callback_error):
        result = 'Data processed successfully'
    except Exception as e:

This simple example shows a data processing function that accepts two callbacks, one for success and one for error. However, this can become cumbersome as the complexity of operations increases.

Converting to Async/Await

To convert callback-based functions to async functions, we employ the async/await syntax. This approach doesn’t just revamp how the function is defined and called, but it also alters the flow of information and error handling.

Step 1: Define your Async Function

async def process_data_async():
        result = await some_async_operation()
        return result
    except Exception as e:
        raise e

Here, we’ve transformed our data processing function into an async function. Notice the use of the await keyword for asynchronous operations that would otherwise take callbacks.

Step 2: Call Your Async Function

import asyncio

async def main():
        result = await process_data_async()
        print(f"Data processed: {result}")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error: {e}")

if __name__ == '__main__':

This main function demonstrates how to call the async function process_data_async and handle the results or exceptions.

Working with Complex Callbacks

In more complex scenarios, converting callbacks might require separating concerns more distinctly. Consider an example where we’re working with network operations that traditionally use callbacks for success and failure states.

A Complex Callback Scenario

def on_success(result):
    print(f"Success: {result}")

def on_failure(error):
    print(f"Failure: {error}")

 def perform_network_operation(on_success_callback, on_failure_callback):
    # pseudo network operation
    if network_condition_success:

In this example, only the success/failure logic is handled via callbacks, but the actual operation is not clearly represented.

Refactor with Async/Await

async def perform_network_operation_async():
        # await an actual async network operation here
        result = 'Success'
        return result
    except Exception as e:
        raise e

By refactoring the function to use async/await, it becomes clearer, more linear, and easier to maintain.

Best Practices for Converting Callbacks to Async

  • Identify the operations within your callback-based function that can be replaced with async equivalents.
  • Segregate operations that inherently support asynchronous execution from those that don’t.
  • Remember to apply the await keyword for every operation that returns a coroutine.
  • Embrace try/except blocks for error handling to preserve the control flow.
  • Test extensively to catch any potential issues with race conditions or unexpected behavior.

Python continues to enhance and emphasize asynchronous programming models. By migrating from callback-based functions to async functions, developers can simplify their codebase, reduce the complexity of their applications, and improve performance. This guide should serve as a useful starting point for those looking to make the transition.