Python Type Hint: Annotating ‘Nullable’ and ‘Noneable’ return type

Updated: February 17, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In Python 3.5 and onwards, type hinting has become an essential part of the language, enhancing code readability, and making it easier to maintain. Type hints allow developers to specify the expected type of variables, function parameters, and return types. This greatly aids in type checking during development, providing a clearer interface for functions and methods. Particularly when dealing with functions that might return a value or None, specifying nullable types becomes invaluable. This tutorial delves into how to annotate ‘Nullable’ and ‘Noneable’ return types in Python, increasing your code’s clarity and robustness.

Understanding Nullable and Noneable Annotations

In type hinting, ‘Nullable’ and ‘Noneable’ are terms used to describe variables or return types that can either hold a value of a specified type or None. This is crucial in dynamic languages like Python, where a function can return different types or None under various conditions. Properly annotating these types helps in understanding the function’s behavior and ensures that type checkers can effectively validate the code.

Using the Optional Type

Prior to Python 3.10, the Optional type hint was used to indicate that a return type could be either of a specified type or None. The Optional type is a part of the typing module, and its usage is straightforward. To declare an Optional type, you use Optional[Type], where Type is the data type that the function can return aside from None. Here’s an example:

from typing import Optional

def get_username(user_id: int) -> Optional[str]:
    # Imagine this function queries a database
    # If the user exists, return the username, else None
    return 'some_username' if user_id == 1 else None

The Union Type in Python 3.10 and Beyond

Starting with Python 3.10, a more intuitive way to specify a nullable type is using the | None syntax, which substitutes for Optional[Type]. This is part of the new type union operation, simplifying the declaration of types that can be one thing or another. Here’s how you can use this new syntax:

def get_user_email(user_id: int) -> str | None:
    # Function logic here, might return a str (the email) or None
    return '[email protected]' if user_id == 1 else None

This new syntax not only makes the code cleaner but also aligns with type annotations more naturally. It’s clear and concise, especially for developers familiar with the concept of union types in other programming languages.

Practical Examples of Nullable Type Annotations

Let’s look into some practical examples in which nullable type annotations can significantly improve code readability and maintainability. It’s worth noting that, while annotating your code, you should also write code that handles these None cases properly, to avoid unexpected NoneType errors at runtime.

1. Annotating Function Returns with Multiple Possible Types

Here’s how you can annotate a function that might return a string, a list, or None:

def process_data(data: str) -> str | list | None:
    # Processing logic here,
    # return processed data as str or list, or None if error or empty data
    return some_result_based_on_data

2. Annotating Variables

Similarly, when annotating variables that might hold different types or None, you use the same syntax. This promotes clearer intentions and better error handling in your code. For instance:

result: str | None = get_user_email(5)
# Now result is explicitly annotated to be either a string or None,
# aiding in better type checking and understanding of the code flow.

Handling None in Annotated Code

Beyond just annotating types, it’s crucial to handle cases where the value is indeed None to prevent runtime errors. Type annotations do not enforce type checking at runtime, so it’s up to the developer to implement null checks where necessary. Here’s how:

if result is not None:
    print(f'REsult is: {result}')
    print('Result is None, handle accordingly')

This approach not only enhances type safety but also ensures that your program behaves as intended even when variables hold None.


Type hinting and specifically annotating ‘Nullable’ and ‘Noneable’ return types has become an integral part of Python development. Starting from Python 3.5 with the introduction of the typing module and evolving with the recent syntax changes in Python 3.10, these annotations aid in writing more readable, maintainable, and less error-prone code. Embracing these practices, especially in larger codebases or public APIs, can significantly improve your development workflow and code quality.