Python: Checking if a dict is a subset of another dict

Updated: February 12, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Welcome to an insightful exploration into the world of Python dictionaries! In this guide, we’ll dive deep into how you can determine if one dictionary is a subset of another, ranging from straightforward cases to more complex scenarios.

Understanding Dictionaries in Python

Before we delve into checking subsets, it’s essential to understand what dictionaries in Python are: data structures that store key-value pairs, providing a fast way to access data by key. Each key-value pair in a dictionary is separated by a colon (“:”), keys are unique within a dictionary while values may not be.

Basic Subset Checking

The simplest way to check if one dictionary is a subset of another is to use the all() function in combination with a dictionary comprehension. The following example demonstrates this method:

parent_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
child_dict = {'a': 1, 'c': 3}

is_subset = all(item in parent_dict.items() for item in child_dict.items())

print(is_subset) # Output: True

This example uses all() to iterate over each item in the child_dict and checks if it exists in the parent_dict. True is returned only if all items are found, indicating child_dict is a subset of parent_dict.

Using items() for Subset Checking

Another way to check if a dictionary is a subset of another is by using the items() method alongside the set operation <=. This approach is more concise and easily readable:

parent_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}
child_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}

is_subset = set(child_dict.items()) <= set(parent_dict.items())

print(is_subset) # Output: True

Here, both dictionaries’ items are converted into sets, and the <= operator is used to check if the child_dict item set is a subset of the parent_dict item set.

Advanced Techniques for Checking Dictionaries

For more complex scenarios, such as when dictionary values are themselves collections (lists, sets, etc.), a deeper comparison is required. Let’s dive into an example where child_dict and parent_dict have list values:

from collections import Counter

parent_dict = {'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': [4, 5]}
child_dict = {'a': [1, 2]}

# Function to check if one list is a subset of another
def is_list_subset(parent_list, child_list):
    return not Counter(child_list) - Counter(parent_list)

# Function to check if a dictionary (with list values) is a subset of another
def dict_subset(parent, child):
    return all(key in parent and is_list_subset(parent[key], child[key]) for key in child)

is_subset = dict_subset(parent_dict, child_dict)

print(is_subset) # Output: True

This example introduces Counter from the collections module to count occurrences of each element in the lists, allowing us to determine if one list is a true subset of another. We then apply this logic inside a custom function that iterates over the child dictionary, returning True only if every key exists in the parent dictionary and its list is a subset.


In conclusion, Python offers various methods to check if one dictionary is a subset of another, from using basic operators and functions like all() and items(), to employing advanced techniques for handling dictionaries with nested collection values. Understanding these techniques can significantly enhance your data manipulation and comparison skills in Python. Happy coding!