Python: Create calendars and save to a CSV file

Updated: February 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Python is a versatile programming language, suitable for a myriad of tasks, including manipulating and saving data. In this tutorial, we will explore how to generate calendars in Python and export them into CSV files, a common need for applications involving date management, event organization, and more.

Let’s dive into the steps to achieve this, ensuring to cover necessary Python packages, creating calendar data, and finally, saving that data into a CSV file.


  • Python 3.x installed
  • Basic knowledge of Python
  • Understanding of the CSV file format

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1 – Installing Required Packages

Python’s calendar module provides the functionality to generate calendars, but to save them into CSV format, we’ll need the csv module. Luckily, both modules are part of Python’s standard library, so no extra installation is required.

Step 2 – Generating Calendar Data

To begin, let’s use the calendar module to generate calendar data for a specific year and month.

import calendar
c = calendar.TextCalendar(calendar.SUNDAY)
y = 2023  # Example year
m = 4     # Example month
print(c.formatmonth(y, m))

This code snippet prints a text representation of April 2023. However, our goal is to save this data into a CSV file, so let’s modify our approach to create a list of weeks, where each week is a list of days.

import calendar

year = 2023
month = 4

month_calendar = calendar.monthcalendar(year, month)

This method generates a matrix representing the month’s weeks, where days outside the month are represented as zeroes. This structure is suitable for our CSV-exporting purpose.

Step 3 – Saving Calendar to CSV

To export our calendar data to a CSV file, we’ll utilize Python’s csv module. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do this:

import csv

filename = 'calendar_2023_04.csv'

with open(filename, 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
    csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile)
    for week in month_calendar:

This simple script creates a CSV file named calendar_2023_04.csv and writes the weeks of April 2023 as rows in the CSV. Each row represents a week, with days of the month as individual entries, and zeroes marking days that fall outside of April.

Extending Functionality

The method described above is quite straightforward but can be extended in several ways to accommodate more complex needs. Here are some ideas:

  • Enhancing the calendar data with event information before saving it to CSV
  • Generating calendars for a range of months or years and saving them into a single CSV file
  • Formatting the CSV to make it more human-readable, i.e., replacing zeroes with empty strings or adding headers to indicate weekdays


In this tutorial, we’ve explored how to generate calendar data using Python’s calendar module and then export it into a neatly organized CSV file using the csv module. This skill can be incredibly useful for a range of applications, from organizing events to managing content schedules.

Python offers incredible versatility and power for such tasks, with its extensive standard library and the ease with which one can manipulate data. Experiment with different ways to customize and extend this functionality to suit your specific needs.

Dive deeper into the calendar and csv modules’ documentation to uncover more features and capabilities that could enhance your projects. Happy coding!