Python dictionary vs JavaScript object: What’s the difference?

Updated: February 12, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Both Python dictionaries and JavaScript objects store data in key-value pairs, but they have significant differences in syntax, usage, and features.


In the world of programming, organizing data efficiently is crucial for writing concise and effective code. Python and JavaScript, two of the most popular programming languages, offer their solutions for storing collections of data: dictionaries and objects, respectively. Though they might seem similar at first glance, the two data structures have crucial differences that can impact your program’s design and functionality.

FeaturePython DictionariesJavaScript Objects
SyntaxCurly braces, key-value pairs with colonsSimilar syntax, but supports functions as values
InheritanceNot directly supportedPrototype-based inheritance
MutableYesYes, but properties can be made immutable
MethodsMust use external functions or class methodsCan include functions as object methods
IterationThrough keys, values, or itemsPrimarily through properties, but modern JS offers more iteration protocols
Key TypesImmutable typesStrings and Symbols

Python Dictionaries

Python dictionaries are versatile, mutable data structures that enable programmers to store key-value pairs. Dictionaries in Python are well known for their ease of use and the wide range of methods available for manipulating the stored data.

my_dict = {'key': 'value', 'number': 123}

Some key features include the ability to iterate over keys, values, or items; change values; add new key-value pairs; and remove key-value pairs. Python also supports dictionary comprehension, a powerful feature for transforming one dictionary into another.

JavaScript Objects

JavaScript objects are collections of properties where each property is defined as a key-value pair. Despite their similarities to Python dictionaries, JavaScript objects have distinct characteristics shaped by the JavaScript language itself.

const myObj = {'key': 'value', 'number': 123};

JavaScript objects support prototype-based inheritance, a fundamental difference from Python’s dictionaries. Additionally, in JavaScript, functions can be values of object properties, enabling the creation of methods within objects.

Use Cases

Choosing between a Python dictionary and a JavaScript object often depends on the specific requirements of your project and the environment in which your code will run. Python dictionaries are ideal for data manipulation and analysis, scripting, and rapid prototyping. JavaScript objects, on the other hand, are indispensable in web development, notably for front-end tasks where they interact with DOM elements and manage application state.


When it comes to performance, Python dictionaries and JavaScript objects have optimizations for different operations. Python’s dictionaries are highly optimized for rapid access and modification of large datasets, thanks to their implementation. JavaScript objects, being part of the dynamically typed nature of JavaScript, are optimized for pattern flexibility but might sometimes suffer from slower performance in comparison.


Converting data between Python dictionaries and JavaScript objects is a common requirement, especially in web development. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) serves as a bridge between the two, as both Python and JavaScript support JSON serialization and deserialization. This compatibility facilitates the exchange of data in web applications, APIs, and more.


While Python dictionaries and JavaScript objects serve the same fundamental purpose, their differences in syntax, inheritance, methods, and key types highlight the uniqueness of their respective languages. The choice between them depends on your project’s needs and the programming environment.