Python: Getting month/day name from number

Updated: February 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Handling dates and times is a common task in many Python applications, from web development projects to data analysis tasks. Sometimes, we need to convert a numerical representation of a month or day into its corresponding name, e.g., converting “1” to “January” or “2” to “Monday”. This tutorial will explore different methods to achieve this conversion using Python’s powerful libraries.

Using the calendar Module

The calendar module in Python provides a wide range of methods to work with dates and times, including functionality to retrieve month and day names. Let’s start with the basics.

1. Getting Month Names

import calendar

month_number = 4
month_name = calendar.month_name[month_number]
print(f'The month name for {month_number} is {month_name}')

This code snippet retrieves the name of the fourth month, which is “April”. Note that the calendar.month_name returns a list-like object where indices start at 1 (i.e., month_name[1] is “January”).

2. Getting Day Names

import calendar

day_number = 2
weekday_name = calendar.day_name[day_number]
print(f'The day name for {day_number} is {weekday_name}')

Similarly, for retrieving the day names, we use the calendar.day_name array. Here, we see that the day name for “2” is “Tuesday”, as in Python’s calendar module, weekdays start at 0 (“Monday”).

Locale-aware Month and Day Names

In many applications, you might need the month and day names in a language other than English. For this, you’ll have to set up your environment to support the desired locale. Here’s how you can achieve this:

import locale
import calendar

# Set the locale to Spanish
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, 'es_ES')

month_number = 1
month_name = calendar.month_name[month_number]
print(f'In Spanish, {month_number} is {month_name}')

This code snippet demonstrates how to set the locale to Spanish and then retrieve the month name in Spanish. Note that you’ll need to ensure the locale you set is supported by your system.

Using datetime for Abbreviations

While the calendar module is great for getting full names, sometimes you may only want the abbreviated name of the month or day. Here, the datetime module comes in handy.

1. Abbreviated Month Names

from datetime import datetime

dt =
abbreviated_month_name = dt.strftime('%b')
print(f'Current abbreviated month name: {abbreviated_month_name}')

This code will display the abbreviated name of the current month. The %b specifier in strftime returns the abbreviated month name.

2. Abbreviated Day Names

from datetime import datetime

dt =
abbreviated_day_name = dt.strftime('%a')
print(f'Current abbreviated day name: {abbreviated_day_name}')

Similar to the month names, the %a specifier returns the abbreviated day name of the week.

Customizing Date Parsing and Formatting

If the built-in options do not fit your needs, Python’s flexibility allows you to customize the date parsing and formatting. You can do this using the datetime module to define your own mappings or use external libraries like dateutil for more complex scenarios.


Python provides multiple ways to get the name of a month or a day from its numerical representation. Whether you need the full name, an abbreviated form, or even a name in a different language, Python’s standard libraries have you covered. Mastering these techniques is essential for anyone dealing with dates and times in their Python applications.

In this guide, we have covered using the calendar and datetime modules to achieve these tasks efficiently. We saw how to use locale settings to get month and day names in different languages, and we touched upon the possibility of further customization according to your needs. Experiment with these examples and consider them as starting points for your date-handling endeavors in Python.